It’s no secret that the last year has been a turbulent period. While the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it is absolutely crucial to take care of yourself. Not only should you do your best to stay healthy during this perilous medical time, it is also very important to pay attention to your mental health. There are a variety of ways to do this. While taking care of yourself may not always be exactly what you want to do, keeping yourself mentally and physical healthy is integral. Here are some ways to do so.

Exercise & Eat Healthy
During this time of uncertain health, we all should make sure to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Obesity is one of the leading complications for the virus. Viruses feed on sugars and typically people who are obese have a lot of sugar in their blood. It is imperative to get into shape. You should also avoid excessive alcohol or drug use. When we do our best to eat healthily and exercise frequently, you will be in a lot better shape to fight off the virus and stay healthy during the pandemic.

Take your Vitamins & Supplements
Another very important thing that we should be doing during this time of ill-health is to take vitamins and supplements. It doesn’t matter how healthy you are, it is crucial to take vitamin D, C, and Zinc during the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, studies have shown that 80 percent of COVID-19 patients were deficient in vitamin D. Furthermore, if you are deficient in any specific vitamin or hormone you should take supplements. It might be helpful to get some blood work to understand what your body needs.

Get Enough Sleep
You should also get enough sleep. Rest is so crucial to health and self-care. Your body heals during sleep and restores itself. It is extremely difficult to be at your best when you’re lacking sleep. You are more susceptible to sickness, including COVID-19. When you get enough rest, you will not just be better protected from illness. You will also be more mentally stable, aware, and capable of going through the day. It’s easy to forget how important sleep is, but there really is nothing that compares to getting proper rest.

Allow Yourself to Relax
While the pandemic makes it difficult to feel accomplished, it is always important to allow yourself to relax. Take time to bathe, read, breathe, and relax in the way you see fit. One thing we seem to have more of during these times is time. Give yourself time to think and be with your thoughts. It isn’t easy, but doing so will allow you to better contextualize your life and the turbulent times we all live in.

Treat Yourself
While a lot of people talk about treating themselves, it is important to treat ourselves in the right way. Buying books or records that you’ve been wanting is a good way to treat yourself. You can also look for a care package delivery, which are curated bundles that are meant to convey a certain mood or atmosphere. These are specifically designed to portray a particular relaxation, leisure, or self-care. Whatever you are interested in, you can find a care package or a product that will help you treat and care for yourself.
Everyone is different. We all need specific physical and mental care. It’s pivotal these days to show ourselves that we care and do what’s right for us. What you need is good food, enough sleep, vitamins, exercise, relaxation, and time to sit with your thoughts.
After all the body and mind are connected. They are intertwined. If your mind isn’t healthy, your body will suffer. If you are physically unhealthy, your mind can’t be at its best. You should care for yourself in the ways that you need. It isn’t always fun. You might resist exercise. You’ll want to eat pizza instead of vegetables. But if you admit to yourself that what’s right for you is to feel mentally, emotionally, and physically well, you will find joy in caring for yourself. Now more than ever is the time to treat yourself right. Get started today.