These days, we’re all looking for ways to get better at self-care, and caring for the earth. While there are many benefits for learning how to be better at caring, the big ones are quite obvious.
Caring for yourself, you’ll protect your health and happiness. You’ll have more energy, feel happier, and have the resilience to handle unexpected situations. Caring for the earth – we only have one place to call home.
Let’s look at 6 easy ways to boost our caring skills.
– Practicing Self-Care–
Finding Lifestyle Balance
Are you working remotely and finding it challenging to set boundaries? A lot of professionals are finding that it’s difficult to hold set boundaries while working at home.
While we enjoy the pleasure of not having to commute, we often miss the time out of the house. Commuting to and from work was often space and time to collect thoughts, notice patterns, and lower stress levels.
If you are working from home, put some strategies into play to find more balance. Practice self-care in small and big ways. For instance, set a time to begin and end work. Give yourself the added incentive of a pseudo-commute. This might be a walk to the mailbox, a bike ride around the block, or a jaunt to the local coffee shop.
Organize self-care as part of your work-life balance. Set a timer – and when it goes off, take a 10 minute break. Find excuses to build exercise into your work zone. This could be as simple as getting up to make a cup of tea, sweeping the room, or running a flight of stairs.
Reducing Financial Stress
If there’s one thing that puts most of us over the edge, it’s financial stress. Whether it’s an unexpected expense, an overwhelming amount of credit card debt, or financing a large purchase, sometimes it seems there just isn’t enough to cover the bills.
That’s why when something unpredictable happens, it’s smart to investigate your options. Do a quick Internet search for loan places and get answers in minutes. One popular financial option is a personal loan.
A personal loan offers people the option to cover large unplanned expenses, finance major purchases, or consolidate debt.
A single loan payment is a whole lot easier to manage than a pile of credit card bills. If you’ve been having sleepless nights keeping up with Payments, managing your balances—this may offer some much-needed relief.
Making a Date—With Yourself
Sometimes it seems, after taking care of children, family, households, and work…you are the last one on the list. If you’re noticing that you are not getting enough ‘me-time do something about it.
Make a date with yourself. This date is best when it includes some relaxing activities that you find especially restorative. It could be having a mini-spa date in your own home. Or it might be a gardening date to fill your patio with fresh flowers.
If you aren’t seeing a big chunk of time on your calendar, go for a smaller step. Set up a 10-minute date with yourself for later today. Have a cup of your favorite relaxing herbal tea. Put your feet up. Take a few deep breaths and connect with yourself. Go ahead. You deserve it.
Once you see how good this feels, no doubt, you’ll pencil in your next self-care date. Next time, add a few more minutes. Go on…you can be generous with yourself.
–Practicing Earth Care–
Buying Earth-Friendly Products
Taking care of the earth starts with shopping habits. Start to buy products such as water bottles and cups that use earth-friendly materials. We all need to drink water. Why not hydrate with a bottle made of environmentally friendly materials?
Teaching Your Children
Children are eager to learn how to take care of the earth. Help them build smart habits that will stay with them for a lifetime. These can be small actions such as bringing cloth bags to the grocery store, composting food waste, and recycling bottles.
Taking Daily Action
Practice earth-care by taking action. Use actions to inspire your children, family, and friends. Make this part of who you are and what you do – a trademark of your integrity. People will notice when you shop with a cloth bag, recycle bottles, or grow your vegetables.
Sum Up
Caring for yourself, your family, and the earth is a way to take positive action. Small actions, as well as large actions, add up. Caring makes our world a happier and healthier place.