Money is the root of all kinds of problems in life. I’m typing this up now thinking about the money I have to spend for back to school shopping, end of the summer vacation, and Christmas. I’m not rich by any means and learning to stretch our dollars to provide for our family has been challenging and educational as well. I didn’t learn much about money management and budgeting when I was growing up, but I’ve been trying to research and learn more so I can make sure my children are more sensible about money than I am.

Since purchasing a home there were a lot of things I learned about money management and why it isn’t always about how much money you have but about how well you manage it. Even wealthy people could end up in a financial crisis if they are not managing their money well, so it’s even easier for regular folk like myself to end up in crisis when I don’t manage the funds I do have properly.
Learning to Afford Travel
Family travel has been big on my list of things to do lately. I’ve been trying to stop wasting money on things and focusing on experiences. Two years ago my husband and I made the decision to stop making excuses about why we couldn’t travel with our family of six. We decided to sit down and really think about where and how we were spending money and noticed our small staycations while fun was slowing adding up in costs. We were spending more money than we thought once we started crunching all the numbers, including the small ones that we would often forget.
Since we made the decision to put a higher value on family travel we have been on two cruises and already have a third one in the works. We found that spacing out our travel every two years made it much more manageable and allowed us to plan better for the splurge without breaking the bank. If you’re looking for ways to add travel to your life, then be sure to check out online sites that share budget-friendly travel ideas. Click on to different sites to learn about how you can add a splurge and why it may be more worthwhile in the end.

Learning about Becoming My Own Boss
Being your own boss can be freeing in a lot of different ways. Starting a business can be done in a variety of ways. You can create your own business from the ground up. You can also create a business idea that similar to other businesses, or you can think about starting a franchise. Each of them is different and unique ways to have a business of your own. They even offer different investment levels for people looking to expand in the business.
If you’re not considering a franchise but want to start your own business, start by creating a budget for start-up costs and what you need to operate that business until you earn a profit. Estimate what you need to earn in profits from your business to quit your job if that’s a goal or create a financial plan for what you want to earn from the business. Make a strong exit plan if you plan in the event things doesn’t do like you planned. It will prevent you from spending more than you wanted on keeping the business afloat.
Affording Optional Medical Procedures
Dealing with medical bills can be stressful. It’s a pain to get insurance companies to cover the things you need, and even more hard to get them to approve the things you want. As a special needs parent, I see parents daily fighting to get simple things like Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and other basic medical assistance for their kids. Most insurance companies make this process seem daunting and impossible. Getting affordable dental care has always been a challenge for us. Especially when different jobs offer different plans for dental coverage.
When planning for dental care it’s best to learn about all your insurance cover and finding a good dental office like Discover Houston Dental that will work with you on finding the best way to afford your dental care. We know braces are in our future for at least one of our children and finding a company that has financing options will make the decision of affordability much easier.
Getting the things we want in life doesn’t have to take a back seat when money is limited. It’s all about researching and finding solutions that work best for your budget that matters.