Starting this week there’s a new host.
The theme this week for Tuesday 10 is….
10 Things About Me
10. I am married with three children – I know it’s old information but it’s the foundation of who I am.
9. I was born in Trinidad – Our whole family moved to the United States when I was fourteen.
8. I studied Management Science in college.
7. I dream of living in Savannah Georgia.
6. I have two middle names – it’s just the way they did it in Trinidad. The initials are O and C.
5. My favorite television shows right now are: Grimm, Once Upon A Time, Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal and Arrow. I have to watch them on demand the following day in quiet so I don’t miss a thing.
4. I want to be a Lawyer but that dream is slowly getting pushed back by another dream that I think will make me happy.
3. I love baking – it’s a stress reliever for me and I also love cake decorating. I am currently taking Wilton Classes and doing projects to help me get better.
2. I have always wanted to visit Paris. If ever given the chance I would hope on the first plane with hubby for a great vacation.
1. My birthday is coming up in 19 days. Yay for birthdays! I am not really that excited though it’s just another day to me.