This week’s Tuesday 10 theme is “10 Costumes I’ve Worn”. I was born in Trinidad and we didn’t celebrate Halloween there, we celebrate All Saints and All Souls day. So this week I am going to show costumes that my kiddos would wear.

This is my son for Halloween 2008

My daughter in her costume – FiFi the French Poodle (Halloween 08)

My daughter as Piglet – Halloween 07

My son as BuzzLightyear his favorite superhero – Halloween 2011

My daughter as a princess – Halloween 2011

My son is going to be Captain America this year if the storm doesn’t cancel Halloween for us

My daughter’s costume for this year if it doesn’t get cancelled for us

My toddler monster would make the perfect Abominable Snowman
I think this costume totally embodies my toddler. He is 16 months old and is a walking tornado. He is always up for destruction. LOL.

I want hubby to be DJ Lance
Our son is a huge Yo Gabba Gabba fan and I couldn’t make a hallowen list without them on there. I have wanted my husband to be DJ Lance for years but he is never gonna put this on. LOL

Wonder Woman – Wonder Mom
If I were ever going to dress up for Halloween I would definitely be Wonder Woman because being a wife and mother I think we are all Wonder Women.
Link up and find other Tuesday 10 post.