We’re always looking for the cheapest car insurance possible, one that covers the right deals and premiums for us. But, if those searches only give you overly expensive insurance quotes and you can’t find what you’re looking for, there are some things that you can do to lower your liability and your premiums so that you can find cheaper car insurance.
Improve your car’s security to deter thieves
Improving your car’s security can lower the cost of your premium. By installing security features such as a locking wheel nut, you can combat car tire theft. Or, you could install an alarm to alert attention to break-ins and car immobilizers such as stop locks to stop joyrides. These can all look good to a car insurer, showing you are a reliable customer, the more likely you are to get better deals for a lower price.
Use dedicated parking spaces and avoid parking on the road
If you own a garage or drive, it’s far better to use these instead of parking out on the street, as you don’t have the same security levels when your vehicle isn’t right outside your door. Doing this is always another massive plus for an insurer as you are keeping your vehicle out of harm’s way.
Avoid any flashy modifications
Flashy modifications are far more likely to be seen as appealing to thieves to try to damage and steal your car. Having modifications can make insurance prices soar, so it’s best to stay away from these sorts of accessories. This ties in with the security of your car. The less appealing your car is to thieves, the better it is for you.
If you can, downsize your vehicle
Smaller cars have a lower road tax, and vehicles with a smaller engine usually have far lower insurance anyway. This is because of the vehicle’s size and how much damage it can do to other cars and the road around it if driven irresponsibly, which in turn can cost the insurance company a lot more. Smaller cars also get through less petrol when used responsibly to help save money on this.
Spend your time looking for the right insurance (so you’re not paying for add-ons you don’t need)
Finding the right auto insurance can be a chore, but it can be well worth your time. It’s good to analyze your decisions and focus on what you really need. Add-ons are good, but if you’re paying for something you don’t need, you’re wasting money. It’s good to sit down and think about what you do and don’t use when it comes to your current policy, as then you can really hunt down what you need.
Final thoughts
By making your car less appealing to thieves, finding the right insurance, so you’re not paying for things you don’t need, being critical about the kind of car you need, you can lower premiums and get better deals from car insurers. Doing this will go a long way towards finding the cheapest car insurance.