Disclosure: I was provided a sample for review from We Choose Virtues (WCV). Any and all opinions expressed are my own and have not been influenced.
My children attend public school and it’s a decision that both my husband and I sometimes wish we could make differently. When our oldest started school she attended a Lutheran school and even though we are not Lutheran we loved the idea of her learning about God and what he wants for us in school. Now that we have two children in school I know that there are areas we have to work on at home that’s either very limited or non-existent in a public school setting. That’s why I always teaching my children about virtues and now I have help in that task as well. We Choose Virtues created by Heather McMillian has all the tools and resources I need to help my children learn and grow into productive members of society.
My children are ages 5, 4 and 1.5 so when I got my kit it was perfect for our age group. I believe this is a great age to get your children started with learning about their charater and what it means to be good people. The first thing that Heather suggests you do to get started is to take the Family Character Assessment, since my children are younger I helped them with this process. It was grueling. LOL. We all wanted to give ourselves high marks but we were honest and fairly marked ourselves in each area and then started working on the ones that needed the most work. You can grab your own free copy of the assessment and see the areas your children may need work in developing.
Aside from the areas on the card we were working on I know I wanted my children to work on being Kind and Obedient. WCV offers a poster that is centered around three key rules for character development. They are: Obey – Be Kind – Be A Helper. With those three virtues to start there’s no way you can go wrong in teaching your children about being good citizens in all areas of their lives. I was sent a set of Virtue Flash Cards for Families. These beautifully illustrated cards feature a virtue on the front and on the back it has a catchphrase, antonyms and (on my NIV version) a bible verse to memorize. My cards are the NIV version but you can also purchase the King James and Public School versions as well. The Public School option does not feature bible verses for memorization.

Parenting Cards Set
Other items that can be used as a part of WCV line are:
- Parenting Cards: include the name of our featured “Virtue Kid” with an inspiring story, a Virtue users challenge, “What to say after ‘I’m sorry'”, the Virtue catchphrase, antonyms for the Virtue, and a Bible memory verse…all to help you Simply Inspire Character that Lasts. Priced at $34.99
- Kids of VirtueVille Coloring pages: Color all the virtue kids. Priced at $3.00
- Butterfly Award: To award your child for constantly displaying virtues.
- Memory Verses, Bible Heroes and Truths: To help with building character and additional bible education. Free Download.
- And much more…
You can also pick up one of the different kits that feature products based on the kit and your needs. The Home Schooling Kit comes with just about everything in the program. It’s priced at $98.99 but if you use coupon code HOME20 for the rest of March and all of April you can save 20% off your purchase. If that is out of your budget you can also purchase the Parent’s Kit, priced at $69.98 and use coupon code VIRTUE15 to save 15% off your purchases. If you need help deciding be sure to visit their product comparison page to learn more about the different options. Also connect with We Choose Virtues on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
With our new products in hand we are all set and ready to learn more about character and being great citizens as a family unit. It’s not just our children but it helps remind my husband and I both of things and areas we can improve on. These tools are great for all parents whether your children are home schooled or if they attend public school like mines. It’s also great for church Sunday Schools. Also because there are different versions they would make great gifts for your grand-kids, nieces, nephews, pretty much any child in your life. The best part is that with prices starting at Free to $98.99 there is something for everyone. I hope you stop by their site and give something a try.
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