Are you the type of person who puts a lot of time and effort into your workout preparation? Do you often skip some or all of the post-workout recovery steps?
If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. After all, when you’re done working out it’s safe to assume that you want to do nothing more than rest your mind and body.
However, if you skip your post workout recovery routine, it could result in both short and long-term health effects — and that’s not a risk you should be willing to take.
Here are five post-workout recovery tips that can work in your favor. At the very least, you should give these a try to see the impact on your body.

1. Get Hydrated
Even if you do a good job staying hydrated during your workout, it doesn’t mean you can stop when you’re finished.
It’s easy to become dehydrated, so do yourself a favor and drink a minimum of 16 ounces of water post workout. This will go a long way in helping you feel your best. Not to mention the fact that it does wonders for the speed at which you recover.
2. Pinpoint and Treat Problem Areas
You hope that you feel great after your workout, but this doesn’t always hold true. Should you have any problem areas — such as a strained muscle — consider the best way to treat it.
In addition to ice and heat therapy, be sure that you rest your injury. On top of that, look into products — such as CBD balm for pain — that can give you the relief you’re seeking.
If you let an injury linger, there’s a greater chance that it’ll affect your next workout.
Of course, should you have questions or serious concerns, stop what you’re doing and consult with a medical professional.

3. Eat a Healthy Snack
There’s a good chance that you’ll be hungry after your workout. Set the goal of consuming a healthy snack within 45 minutes of ending your workout. This will help you maintain your energy level for the rest of the day.
As you’re searching for a snack, pay close attention to those with a high level of protein and carbohydrates. Also, avoid those that contain sugar.
4. Experiment With Supplements
There are a variety of supplements you can take after a workout to promote muscle growth and help you to feel your best.
Here are a handful of those you should consider: protein supplements, weight gainers, creatine, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB), and beta-alanine.
Tip: don’t take any supplements until you first discuss the pros and cons with your doctor or nutritionist. You don’t want to put anything into your body that could cause more harm than good.

5. Take a Cold Shower
It’s a shock at first, but once you get into the habit of taking a cold shower after working out you’ll realize just how many benefits it has to offer.
It can help prevent inflammation, reduce soreness, and speed up recovery. Along with that, it can have health benefits in regards to your skin.
Track Your Results
No matter how you decide to recover after your workout, it’s critical that you track what you’re doing so that you know what is and is not working.
Once you have a system in place you can trust and rely on, you can continue to use it to ensure yourself of making a fast and full recovery.

Final Thoughts
There’s a lot that goes into a post workout recovery. Some people know what they’re doing, while others have questions and concerns about the approach they’re taking.
Experiment with all five of the ideas above to see which ones best resonate with your mind and body. You’re likely to find a few that suit you, which you can then turn to every time your workout comes to an end.
If you want to make the most of your workout, be sure that you take the right approach to recovery.
How do you recover after a workout at home or a local gym? Do you have a strategy that you’ve been relying on since day one?