Being a mother is, without a doubt, the most challenging job there is. During a pandemic, you are a mother who’s probably been helping with virtual learning and working herself all while running a household? It can feel impossible at times.
Sure, having a glass of wine at the end of the night can help you relax and unwind after such an intense day, but you probably don’t want to slip into that routine every day. So, naturally, we look for more healthy ways to relax. Here’s a list of things you can incorporate into your day-to-day routines to keep you on an even keel and roll with the punches a little easier.

It Starts With Sleep
Ah, the mythical eight hours of sleep and the unicorns that achieve this nightly miracle. But seriously, there are things you can do to make this your reality, and you will instantly see a boost in your mood, productivity, and ability to handle the daily balls of stress thrown your way.
First, avoid caffeine after midday. Sometimes, as a mother, this can seem impossible. But, if you make a commitment to power through the late afternoon without your usual caffeine fix, you’ll be falling asleep earlier with ease. You also have surely heard to avoid screen time at a minimum of one hour before bed – this actually works. Avoid the temptation to mindlessly scroll through social media apps or the news and catch some z’s instead. Lastly, if you have a television in your bedroom, ditch it.
Not only will this make sure you’re going to fall asleep faster, but it can do wonders for your intimate relationships as well. And who doesn’t want to fall fast asleep after having that kind of fun?

Let’s Get Physical
Speaking of burning calories before sleep, it’s even more important to try and get physical during the daytime as well. Studies have shown that cleaning your house is just as much exercise as you need during the day, but for most of us, that level of cleaning is reserved for deep clean days or spring cleaning.
So, you’re going to want to find a mode of exercise that you enjoy and stick with it. Luckily, you need only look as far as sites like YouTube to find tutorials on virtually any kind of exercise. So, give yoga a try, high intensity, weight lifting. If none of those appeals to you, commit to taking a long walk every day or a light jog. Just make sure you’re putting in that work.
Obviously, we’re talking about this to help you manage stress better, but physical exercise will pack a punch of many other benefits – weight loss and longevity, to name two.

Supplement, Sister!
None of us would think twice if we were struggling with something going on with our bodies to make a doctor’s appointment to get things checked out, right? Well, the same goes for managing stress and our mental and emotional well-being. There are ways to try and help yourself before relying on medication.
And hey, if you end up needing that too, there’s nothing wrong with that. Adaptogens are a fantastic way to balance everything that’s going on in your body. An Ashwagandha vitamin is one way to accomplish this. Not only does it help balance stress and mood, but it boasts many other benefits as well. Research other supplements for stress to find one that makes you feel comfortable.
And, as always, consult with your doctor before adding natural supplements to your routine to make sure there are no interactions with other medicines you may be taking. But, the bottom line is when you go the natural route, it’s always the preferred first line of defense.

Self Spa Day
We’re all so used to the term self-love these days, so you know what you need to do. The key is actually taking the time to do it. Take that long and hot bath; throw some sea salt in there. Did you know the magnesium in the salt helps with aches and pains because magnesium reduces inflammation.
Better still, throw some fresh lavender in that bathtub. Drink chamomile tea and ask your partner if they’re willing to rub your feet. No partner? No problem, rub your own feet. Whatever you need to do to relax and unwind at the end of the day, please make this a priority and follow through with it.
Now, go forth and relax, mama!