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Matchbox Is Looking For Heros
Matchbox is celebrating its sixtieth anniversary and to celebrate they sent out a call for heros. Before becoming a mom, I was a sister and m brothers loved toy cars. My youngest brother in particular always wanted a new toy car. He was a car head then and he still is now. When he was asking for a toy car my mother knew it was only one brand that he had in mind it was Matchbox. He loved their cars so when I had sons of my own I was excited to introduce them to the Matchbox line of toys. They are just getting started on building their collections and since this year is a special year for the company we are excited to add some limited edition cars to their collections. The company is making twenty-four collectible cars in celebration that is taking them back to their roots. So be on the lookout for those die cast cars.
The best part of this sixty year anniversary celebration is that Matchbox is looking for heros. That’s right they are looking for children ages three to ten and parents with children in that age group can visit their the Matchbox Heros Wanted Sweepstakes page and enter their children to win a $60,000 college scholarship. Can you imagine winning such an amazing prize? Not only that they are giving away weekly prizes as well. You can enter until May 13, 2013. Entering the sweepstakes is so easy you just upload a photo of your child dressed up as their favorite hero and write a caption explaining why you think they are a true and that’s it. Be sure to check it out or pass the information on to someone who has a child in this age group. Check out some photos of my little one dressed up as some of their favorites.

My son as Buzz Lighter – Defender of the Universe!

Princess Kay because princesses are kind to others
Hurry over and enter the sweepstakes today. Visit them at Matchbox Heros Wanted Sweepstakes and make sure you get a great shot of your little hero to upload in your entry.