Chatting with the Pirate Fairy Filmmakers

The Pirate Fairy LA Press Day at Disneytoon Studios. Pictured (L-R): Jenni Magee-Cook (Producer) and Peggy Holmes (Director/Story By). Photo by Kayvon Esmaili. ©2014 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
I have to say that it’s bitter sweet to write this post because it’s the final piece of my coverage from my amazing trip to L.A. in February. Today I am sharing with you some of the things we chatted with the Pirate Fairy Filmmakers about after our screening of the movie. We sat down with Jenni Magee-Cook (Producer) and Peggy Holmes (Director). It was such an awesome treat because they were both so enthusiastic about the film and we couldn’t wait to sit and talk with them about all we had seen from the film. I’ve already shared my review of the film (spoiler free) – there’s a giveaway in there as well and I shared about our time with the animation team.
When we sat down with the ladies to talk about the film one of the first questions asked was in regards to the Croc that stole the show – Baby Crocky. Crocky originally called Rosetta his mother because at the time she was the animal fairy but that’s not her original talent. Someone wondered how it would work once they got back their original talents and Peggy shared that Rosetta will always be the mommy because Crocky imprinted on her. She also shared that John Lassiter made sure they do research when working on project ideas and its true that baby animals imprint on the first thing they see.
I wanted to know about how James could understand Zarina because I knew it’s something my daughter would wonder as well. We know that the fairies sounds like bells to other humans but in this movie it seems James knew exactly what Zarina was saying at all times. They said that it’s not really that he understood what she was saying but they spent so much time together that they developed their own language and that it probably was because he was thinking the way a captain of a ship would think.
There was some discussion on how to create the Zarina storyline. The ladies shared that they wanted to make sure people liked her and that she was redeemable in their eyes despite making a huge mistake. That’s why she had to run away from home and while we don’t know what happened in the year she was away from Pixie Hallow when she returns we can kind of guess that she spent that time with the pirates and she thought what she was doing was going to help them. Peggy said that deep down once Zarina knew she was wrong she fought hard to fix it and she didn’t do it because she wanted to return but because it was right. She said she knew that would make people still like her even though she betrayed the fairies at first.
This film did explore more of Never Never Land that in any other fairies movie but when asked about if there were going to be any more expansion on this storyline it was pretty much “Mum’s the Word” – neither of the ladies gave us anything. They did share that they are in production for the next movie in the franchise. You can see the teaser trailer for that below – Legend of the Never Beast
I also asked about how Zarina would look moving forward in other movies. We see the winter fairies and Periwinkle had different clothes in this new movie. I wondered if she would look different. Peggy said she couldn’t wait to design her new Pixie Hallow clothing because she wouldn’t look like she did when the movie first started and she wouldn’t remain in her pirate clothing either.
We discussed a few more things about the film and some of the different things the did to make the final film. We even got to see a short 3D sequence where they had taken photographs to help with scaling when drawing the fairies on the pirate ship. It was a blast sitting with the ladies and it’s an experience I will never forget. So many great memories to share with my children, especially since they are fans of the movies. Here’s a few more pictures of my time at the Disney Toon Studio
Sabrina and I outside the screening room of the Pirate Fairy. Aggh! Me Mateys! – we were trying to channel pirates
I am so happy that this was my first ever press trip and I can’t wait for the next one. It was an amazing experience and I had a blast sharing with you and giving you some behind the scenes access to all three of the films we covered. I meet some great bloggers and the folks at Disney and Sabrina took excellent care of us the entire time. So that’s it until next time. Oh by the way if you haven’t seen the Pirate Fairy yet be sure to pick it up in stores of buy it online and connect with the film as well. Be sure to check out my other posts from the trip and see what other things I did while there.
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