Choosing a career to pursue over the long term is a big decision for anybody no matter how old you are or what your background is. If you choose wrong, then a few years down the line you might find yourself stuck in a rut that you can’t get out of. On the other hand, if you choose the right career, something that you can dedicate yourself to and immerse yourself in for many years to come, then it will be one of the most rewarding journeys that you can ever take.

For some women, there are a few careers that less appealing. More introverted women will often prefer to avoid very visible public-facing roles, as you are more noticeable in stores and other workplaces. On the other hand, many women want to take on a more senior role in a business but run into the usual barriers that can make it difficult for women to progress to the highest echelons.
Healthcare administration is an excellent degree choice for a number of different reasons. Anybody could benefit from a career in healthcare administration, but there are certain reasons why women, in particular, may find themselves drawn to the profession. From excellent career progression opportunities in a unique working environment that provides an opportunity to make a real positive difference to the world, healthcare administration is a career choice that attracts a wide range of personality types.
Improve Your Local Community
As a healthcare administrator, you will be responsible for overseeing the delivery of health care within institutions like hospitals and other facilities. While your role does not generally involve direct contact with the patients, the work that you do will have a significant impact on the quality of the care that they receive. Health care administration can, therefore, be every bit as satisfying as a role that involves direct contact with and treating patients.
Ensuring that communities have access to effective health care is not just a concern for individual communities, but for our society as a whole. The more general disease and illness that is present in society, the more of a price we all ultimately pay for it.
As a healthcare administrator, you will be in a perfect position to help execute public health initiatives and do your bit to try and prevent as many health issues before they can arise as possible. Achieving desirable public health outcomes is dependent upon local populations having sufficient access to both treatments and preventative measures.
If you want to do something to improve your local community then looking for healthcare administration opportunities within health care facilities in your area is a great place to start.

Study Your Degree Online While You Work
Online degrees were once seen more as a punchline than legitimate degrees. However, that has changed in recent years and many students are now studying online through some of the world’s leading universities. The ability to study online makes it feasible to continue to work a normal job while studying and, therefore, earn money at the same time as completing your tuition. Not everyone is in a position to attend a campus university course. Historically, single parents and those who are carers for others have struggled to obtain higher education because they cannot commit the necessary amount of time.
The healthcare administration degree is one of many that can be studied entirely online, with only a small campus component required. By choosing to study online through a university like Suffolk University, students have the option of pursuing a degree on a part-time basis, leaving them plenty of free time for their other commitments.
If there have been practical barriers that have kept you from attending university in the past, then it is worth considering whether an online course would remove them and enable you to pursue your dream career.
Widen Your Future Opportunities
Working as a healthcare administrator is very rewarding and is a fantastic role for those who enjoy organizational and strategic challenges. However, the healthcare administration degree can be a launchpad for a number of different careers, not just working as a healthcare administrator. If you have any interest in working in the healthcare field more broadly, then the experience and knowledge you gain training for an administration role can prove invaluable.
Remember that health care facilities include not only hospitals but also things like rehabilitation centers and care homes; all of these facilities require administrators to oversee their operations.
Once you have qualified as a healthcare administrator and gained some experience working in the field, you will find that you can begin to look at opportunities further afield. Many healthcare degrees are highly transferable and often will be mutually recognized by other healthcare systems. This means that having earned a degree in one location you can then apply for work elsewhere, even if you will be working in a different health care system.
Make A Real Difference To People’s Lives
One of the biggest draws to the healthcare industry is the opportunities at present to make a difference to other people’s lives. In this regard, a healthcare administrator is no different from any other role. It is also a good reminder of the fact that not everyone who is involved in ensuring that patients receive proper medical care work directly with patients. Many of those who make the most important decisions about their care will never meet them.
If you want to make a difference to people’s lives, but don’t feel that a role involving direct contact with patients is right for you, then a healthcare administrator is one of the many possible roles that are worth considering.
The healthcare industry has always provided excellent career progression opportunities for women and it continues to do so today. Women who are looking for a new long-term career path that provides them with plenty of opportunities to grow and evolve while also engaging in genuinely meaningful work should seriously consider the role of a healthcare administrator.