I love seeing photos of custom homes online where the owner goes all out decorating it and making it one of a kind. The holidays are my favorite time of the year because it gives homeowners the opportunity to show off their talents with special decor. Halloween on our block was special because some of the neighbors went all out with all sorts of spooky decorations and special effects. It added so much more fun to our trick or treating experience.
It’s one of the reasons why I love Christmas. I’m the crazy lady who visits all the neighborhoods looking at light shows. I love seeing all the creative ways people come up to make their homes stand out. I’ve always loved checking out the lights during the holidays and I’m so glad my husband let me pick up lots of goodies after Christmas this year to add to our year and home. And while you won’t see our house from out of space, I do hope it stands out on the block. If you’re looking for ways to customize your home and make it stand out. Here are three ways you can add some custom features and allow your creativity to shine.

Incorporate your Hobbies
When we were house hunting we saw this very unique house that used the packages from beer cases to decorate the walls of the bathroom in their basement. It was one of the most unique things we’ve ever seen and one we will never forget. Homeowners go all out showcasing their favorite sports teams all over the walls of their homes. Some even have man caves, sport rooms, and even museums dedicated to their love of their favorite sports theme.
If you’re a hunter you may have displays in your home to showcase your hunts and special trophies. Crossbows from TenPoint Crossbow Technologies would go perfectly on your hunting wall or in your special room dedicated to the sport. There are all sorts of ways you can customize your home with your hobbies, whether it’s hunting, sewing, painting, or jewelry making. Plus they make great conversation pieces for anyone visiting your home for the first time.
Update the Look and Design
Giving your home a new look is like purchasing a new wardrobe for your home. You’ll be surprised what a fresh coat of paint can do for your house. It’s easy to add special touches by making both small and big changes. When we purchased our new house we had to add a railing to the basement stairs. We decided to add a wall to support the new railing and paint it along with the rest of the basement. Some paint and the new wall, made space look more appealing and fresh, instead of an old basement look it used to have before.
If you’re looking to give your home an updated, visit glassrailings.ca to see some of their design ideas. You can find different design ideas to add to your home that will help give it a more modern and updated look. Other ways to update the look is to add new appliances and different furniture into space. Decluttering is another way to open up space and give it new life.

Add Touches of Technology
I’m a huge tech lover, so all my solutions for a good home involve technology in some way. We have grown so accustomed to our Google Home, that I find myself requesting to turn light on and off regardless of where we are. I even miss it when we are traveling and we have to turn lights on and off the old fashioned way. The face it technology has made our lives much easier and I always recommend people add some aspects of it to their home.
Whether you’re choosing to use technology to keep an eye on your house when you’re away, to lock your doors, or even as simple as turning the lights on and off. It’s worth it to me because it does help make life easier. Another way to add in touches of technology is harnessing the power of solar energy. Green living is possible in various areas of our lives and you can click here to learn more about how you can easily protect the environment while enjoying luxuries like a pool.
No matter what you choose to put in your home to make it feel more like your own, the point of customization is to allow you to have everything just the way you want. So I hope you get creative on your next home project and show off your personal style.