Five years ago my husband and I visited Colorado Springs, he was interviewing for a job out there and I went with him to get a feel for the city since it could potentially be our next home. When we arrived in the city we heard sorts of stories about their chaotic weather. It took us a minute to adjust to the air quality but shortly after we arrived we thought we were good. On our first night in the city, we decided to take a walk around town to explore and just enjoy the sights. During our walk, we noticed the strong smell of cannabis in the air. It wasn’t something we were used to at all, back then Colorado was leading the charge in legalizing cannabis.

What is CBD Oil?
Cannabidiol is a popular natural remedy used for many common ailments, it is better known as CBD. It is one of the 104 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids found in the cannabis or marijuana plant. CBD is starting to be a popular option because it gives the feeling of being high but it is not psychoactive. Since CBD doesn’t have mind-altering effects, it’s part of the reason why it’s a popular option for people looking for relief from pain and other ailments.
CBD is usually mixed with a carrier oil like hemp oil or coconut oil to dilute it for use by everyday consumers. I’ve heard many parents in the special needs community talk about the benefits of CBD oil for their children. While I haven’t tried it yet – although we are planning to soon – I do have high hopes for relief using CBD from different pains and ailments. If you’re interested in learning more about CBD oil products and the benefits visit to learn more.
Buying Products
If you live in a state where CBD products and other cannabis-related products are legal to own and produce, you may be trying to navigate the maze of learning when to get high-quality products from buyers you can trust. Do your research to make sure the company you are purchasing from is dedicated to offering high-quality top shelf products. One good marker is to shop retailers that have been in business for a long period of time. Ozonly is one of those companies that has a dedicated team of professionals who have been in the business for over 50 years.

Planning to Grow?
If you’re planning to grow your own cannabis to ensure you are getting the best quality, research growing and find a solution that works best for your needs. If you’re planning to grow on a small scale consider Octopot Grow Systems, they use an efficient ecosystem to maximize plant growth while conserving resources. The Octopot system feeds plants at the roots and prevents oversaturation. It could be a good system for people new to growing. Simplifying the process.
Before starting the use of any natural products including CBD Oil be sure to speak with a licensed medical professional. While the reported side effects may seem insignificant to potential users, it’s best to make sure you won’t create additional medical problems by starting the use of the product without consultation.