The Power of Cleaning with Steam
Since finding out I was pregnant with my fourth child life has been very hectic between horrible morning sickness and trips to the hospital. I’ve fallen behind on so much and that included my house work. I as so happy that I had my steam machine from Home Right to help me with cleaning the house and I have to say it’s been a huge help to me so far and I know it will continue to help me throughout the pregnancy.
This has truly been a lifesaver for me and it’s not just about the pregnancy but with a toddler at home and two other children six and under there’s a lot to be cleaned and this machine helps me with all those cleaning needs. The first place I used it was in the bathroom of course because I felt like it’s the part of the house that needs the most attention and pregnancy was making it difficult. One of the main reasons I’ve been using the machine for cleaning most of my home is that I don’t have to use cleaning products with lots of chemicals and fumes. It clean so well without any of that extra stuff. When I used it in on my tub I simply mixed some dish detergent in water and spray on the walls and in the tub. Then I sprayed the entire area with steam and followed up with the large cleaning brush. Mommies and future mommies this is a major reason why I recommend this machine – no use of toxic chemicals when cleaning. I tried to take lots of pictures so you could see the difference.
- The toilet is a huge germ area and around it as well.
- The tub ring from baths and washing my daughter’s hair
- Soap scum on the shower wall
- Grim at the edges of the tub
- More areas that need cleaning
- Dirty sink – marks from mouthwash and hand soap bottles
- Sink area again
- After steaming the walls
- After the sink
- After the toilet and floor
- After behind the toilet seat
- After the tub
So after letting the bathroom get dirty I used the steam machine and took the photos so you could see the difference between the photos. I loved this for the toilet, places I couldn’t get with my regular mop I got easily with the jet nozzle attachment. I simply sprayed some steam in the corners and creases, around the base of the toilet and behind the seat, waited about a minute when I saw the water appear and whipped it up. This was so much safer that was I was using in the pass. All I needed was the steam machine, fresh water, gloves and some paper towels or a cleaning rag. That’s all you will need as well. Oh and here’s a safety tidbit.
The steam the machine produces is very hot and children should not handle the machine at all. There is even a warning on the top about opening the machine when it’s just been used. However the cap won’t unscrew if the machine is still hot. It’s a safety measure that prevents burns and a bonus because I didn’t have to worry about the kids getting into the hot steam.
I didn’t just use my machine in the bathroom though I used it on the kitchen floors and they worked wonders there as well. I used it to get crayons and pencil drawings off the walls, hand prints and food my toddler feeds his invisible friends. I’ve even use it help apply wall decals on the wall and to take them off as well. You can use the steam machine on counter tops, in the oven and even some surfaces outdoors. It’s one machine that’s a catch all and one I think is a great house gift. You can see the machine in action below.
Included in Box:
- Wallpaper steam plate
- Floor steam mop with microfiber cleaning pad
- Brass brush
- Two nylon brushes
- Jet nozzle
- Squeegee
- Measuring cup with fill funnel
- Owners instruction manual
To purchase the Steam Machine just visit the Home Right website if you want to learn more and be sure to connect with them on Facebook to keep up to date with any other reviews and giveaways as well.