Oprah, Reese, and Mindy Talk Wrinkle In Time, Women’s Empowerment, Plus Celebrity Couples
When my invite arrived for the Wrinkle in Time event, I was so excited I couldn’t wait to see who we would be interviewing from the cast. We all waited in hopes that Oprah would be included in the list. So when our itinerary arrived with the television queen on the list we were beyond excited. The dynamic trio was the very first on our interview list. We sat waiting and Oprah entered the room alone, second came Mindy, followed by Reese to round out the trio.

Photo Credit: Louise Bishop of MomStart.com
Many of us still use Oprah’s famous ‘You Get A Car, You Get A Car, Everybody Gets A Car’ line, well one of the bloggers in our group actually did get a car from Oprah on that fateful day. She was able to share that story with Oprah, who in turn shared with us her thoughts and feelings about that day. She recalled being very nervous because she wanted to make people happy. I can’t imagine Oprah ever being nervous but she actually was. She went on to tell us the story of how they prepared that night before for the show before we started the interview for Wrinkle In Time.
We started the interview talking about how inspiration each of these ladies has been, and we wanted to know how they hoped their roles in A Wrinkle In Time would inspire the next generation of girls.
Reese W (Mrs. Whatsit) – Well I think that’s a great question. A part of what I loved about making the movie that I think is also in the movie and you really feel it is the power when women are together, and talking, and not the only woman in a movie or the only woman in a board room or the only woman who’s a manager at her company.
And I think the power of that to young women to say, we’re not against each other. When we get together, we create abundance, and that’s been a driving part of my career, the more I collaborate with women, the more we create for each other. So I think that’s a that’s a concept that we need to put into our little girls’ brains.
Mindy K (Mrs. Who) : Yeah I think just that the cast is so inclusive, I’ve never seen anything like that and I think that as a young woman I would have felt so much joy from watching it. And felt so much happiness from seeing that. And as a dreamer I think I wouldn’t have to dream quite so hard to picture myself on screen.
Oprah W (Mrs. Which) : Well you know, what I do know for sure is that everybody’s goal is whether they can articulate it as such is to live a life that matters and a life that has meaning. And I think that my hand prints, my heart prints, all over the Oprah show for all those years is a magnificent purpose to have lived.
But I also knew when we were doing this film that there would be young girls who would come along and they would see the Mrs. Which and they would see me and they would say, what do you mean she had a talk show and that the imprint, the heart print that you eventually will leave in this world will come from what is said in this movie. And so for your generation that I helped to raise there will be generations to come that will be raised on this story.
Presented in the way through Ava’s vision who will only know me, us through through that. So I could feel that when I was doing it, that wow there’ll be kids who’ll say, what you used to be on television?

Photo Credit: Louise Bishop of MomStart.com
Favorite Quotes From the Film
We asked the ladies about their favorite quotes from the film since the movie is based on the book, we know people had lines they just loved and hoped it would be in the movie.
Resse W: I know what my favorite was, when Storm looks up and she’s talking to her little brother who’s been possessed sort of by darkness and she says I deserve to be loved. I lost it, I just lost it, you all I was like, we all deserve to be loved, and we all deserve to tell our stories and be the center, the lead of our own movie, the captain of our ship. And we do not see that enough, we don’t see ourselves enough and I think a movie like this with a company like Disney getting behind it says so much to to young people.
Mindy K: There are so many quotations in the movie, but one of them really in a quick part is when I say, Storm has fallen down and she’s she’s feeling hurt, she doesn’t want to stand up. And I say ‘The wound is where the light enters’ which is so profound and you have said some quotations that are so smart about wounds but I I love that one.
Oprah W: My favorite aside from wounds where the light enters, my favorite is when Mrs. Which says to Storm, do you know how many millions and millions of events had to occur as they did in order for you to be exactly the way you are. And I actually think that about my own life as a African American who came from, slaves and that story that journey. And I think about it for the life of everyone I meet. Everybody on the planet, I just think of what it took to get you here.

Mindy Kaling is Mrs. Who, Levi Miller is Calvin O’Keefe, Oprah Winfrey is Mrs. Which, Zach Galifianakis is the Happy Medium, Storm Reid is Meg Murry, Deric McCabe is Charles Wallace Murry and Reese Witherspoon is Mrs. Whatsit in Disney’s A WRINKLE IN TIME.
Dishing On Their Favorite Books
Since the movie was based on a book, we talked to the ladies about their favorite books that they would love to see turn into a movie. Some of the answers would surprise you.
Resse W : There are so many, I mean I can never remake it but To Kill a Mockingbird was one of my favorite books and the language was the way people spoke and the ideas and a little girl looking up to her father, again father daughter love. I think that would be really profound.
Oprah W : It would be Caged Bird for me, yeah mine is Caged Bird yeah.
Mindy K : This is just a fun one, I thought Harriet the Spy. I loved it and I think they tried to do it a a while ago, but it was the first time I’d seen a short haired not like overtly feminine looking girl like a a chubby introvert girl who had her own adventure who was a latchkey kid, and that was it hit all the boxes for me so I I loved that book and I’d love to see it made into a movie.

Photo Credit: Louise Bishop of MomStart.com
Reese Loves J-Lo
We wanted to get some of the inside scoop on what it was like being on set for the three ladies. We were surprised when Oprah revealed who Reese was obsessed with and how much they talk about a certain celebrity couple.
Oprah W : These are the talking-est girls you ever saw, oh my gosh they talk about everything. What was on TV last night, what you didn’t see on TV, and they know everybody. They’re like in the cultural buzz. I mean I actually called Gail and I said, oh my God. Reese and Mindy talk all the time. You need to get to this trailer, you would love being here, because they know everything about everybody. I go they are walking People Magazines, they know everything that is happening with everybody all the time.
Mindy K : Part of me was like I felt so bad for Oprah, we get there at five thirty five o’clock in the morning, and you just want to be by yourself in your trailer, get your work done, she has nine different companies. But I’m sitting next to you and Reese is sitting next to me and it’s like that’s not going to happen.
How many people do you know in this world who live in the United States who were personal friends with the late Nelson Mandela, not too many. So I went and asked her questions, she might want her serenity, but I can’t give it to her. I’m just going to ask you questions and then we’re going to pull you into our stupid conversations about nail polish. That’s just what’s going to happen.
Resse W : Who J-Lo is dating?
Oprah W : No. They literally one day there was this J-Lo thing and and and I heard you say God I really do I love her she’s my girl crush, I love her I just love her but I don’t know if she loves me the way I love her.
Resse W : And then I’m like Oprah look at her butt in this picture, like look at her.

Oprah Winfrey is Mrs. Which, Reese Witherspoon is Mrs. Whatsit and Mindy Kaling is Mrs. Who in Disney’s A WRINKLE IN TIME.
The Magic of Storytelling
We switched up gears a bit and touched on the woman’s movement going on in Hollywood at the moment. Since this is a book written by a woman, directed by a woman, and starring women, we wanted to know if they felt it was a trend that would continue for a long time.
Oprah W : Oh yes, in the Golden Globes speech I was saying a new day is on the horizon, it’s actually here and we are living it, this is it, we’re experiencing it, you’re seeing it up there on the screen, yeah and Big Little Lies starts the second season next week. It’s happening!
Mindy K : Wasn’t that just incredible Big Little Lies, when you watched it and it was like a mystery and there’s part of dealing with like domestic violence.
Oprah W : You know I’ve done a hundred I don’t know how many shows on domestic violence, I think at the time we ended it was about a hundred twenty seven or something like we were adding them. And I thought that what Big Little Lies did in those six episodes to expose the horror of domestic violence, the shame of it, the guilt.
I thought they were able to do in six episodes what I tried to say for years and years and years and years and years and years, and that’s the beauty of storytelling.
From visionary director Ava DuVernay comes Disney’s “A Wrinkle in Time,” an epic adventure based on Madeleine L’Engle’s timeless classic which takes audiences across dimensions of time and space, examining the nature of darkness versus light and, ultimately, the triumph of love. Through one girl’s transformative journey led by three celestial guides, we discover that strength comes from embracing one’s individuality and that the best way to triumph over fear is to travel by one’s own light.
Meg Murry is a typical middle school student struggling with issues of self-worth who just wants to fit in. The daughter of two world-renowned physicists, she is intelligent and uniquely gifted, as is Meg’s younger brother, Charles Wallace, but she has yet to realize it for herself. Complicating matters is the mysterious disappearance of Mr. Murry, which has left Meg devastated and her mother broken-hearted. Charles Wallace introduces Meg and her fellow classmate Calvin to three celestial beings (Mrs. Which, Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Who) who have journeyed to Earth to help search for their father, and together they embark on their formidable quest. Traveling via a wrinkling of time and space known as tessering, they are transported to worlds beyond their imagination where they must confront a powerful evil force. To make it back home to Earth, Meg must face the darkness within herself in order to harness the strength necessary to defeat the darkness rapidly enveloping the Universe.
A Wrinkle In Time Opens in Theaters on March 9th, 2018.