Need A Date Night Go See Need For Speed
Disclosure: I attended a private screening of Need For Speed while in L.A. for my Disney Press Trip. Any opinions expressed are my own and have not been influenced.
Since seeing this screening I’ve been raving about it being a good date night movie and I stand behind that claim. I really don’t know anything about the Need For Speed video game the movie is based on but my husband does. I didn’t have any type of expectation for this movie to live up to except for nice cars and let me tell you there are some sweet cars in this movie. So here’s my thoughts on the movie and I hope by the end you are buying tickets and making plans for a date night this weekend.
When I first saw the press releases for this film I wanted to show it to my husband because of Aaron Paul. He just got on the Breaking Bad bandwagon so I figured he would want to see it but he knew about the game and that’s what made him excited. Oh yeah and the cars. So all the Breaking Bad fans who love Jesse he’s one reason for you to check out Need For Speed. His performance is great so you’ll love it.
Stunts, there’s a few great stunts in the movie and this one is probably one of the best ones in the entire movie. I won’t give any spoilers but when you go see it remember this photo and remember I told you it rocked. It’ll leave you at the edge of your seat.
The cars, oh the cars are great. This is one of three concept cars in the movie. In the movie they say these cars aren’t available in the U.S. It could just be movie dialog but it’s a great car and it could clock some very high speeds. If you’re not a speed demon you will want to cover your eyes during the scene with these cars because they are whipping through traffic like a New York Cabbie.
The scene of the crime. If you know anything about the video game or have seen the trailer you already know someone in the movie dies and Tobey (Paul’s character) ends up getting set up to take the blame. That scene had me in tears. Yes I am a big baby and I cry at movies all the time. LOL. But the scene is touching and I can’t see how anyone can’t get a little teary eyed about it.
After serving his time in jail Tobey has to convince one of his friends to join the group again so he can enter the high stakes race. He does it by causing a scene in the middle of a big city. More movie fun. This leads into a very funny scene of the movie. It’s going to leave you laughing, well at least it left me laughing. Ladies you will love it.
Getting to that race was no easy feat either, because there’s a bounty of Tobey’s head and they end up needing the help of friends. Thank goodness he has some in high places.
It wasn’t easy but Tobey arrives in time for the race which was a huge shocker for some of the other racers. This is the start of crash fest. There’s a lot of crashes.
The prizes in this race was awesome. The winner got all the cars from the race. I did question this though because there were so many crashes. I wonder if the driver had to fix them first. I know it’s just a movie. I was over thinking this part.
The race course wasn’t a walk in the park either. No only was the road filled with twists and turns it also had lots of police trying to shut it down.
One of the many crashes from the race. Ladies you can cover your eyes when the crashes happen but they weren’t that bad to me. Plus they happened really fast. I should also note here that a few of the mom bloggers who I saw the screening with had issue with the crashes and fast driving. I’ll say that this movie is rated PG-13 and it’s because of the violence and stuff related to the racing. Parents it’s up to you if you take your younger kids to see it but I suggest talking to them about road safety and why this kind of racing is not safe. It’s a movie and the stars actually attended driving school for this movie. They trained and this was done on a closed course. I’m including the two driving school featurettes for you to watch and share with your kids if you plan on taking them no matter what their ages. I have to promote safety when driving and lives are at stake.
Now that’s I’ve shared my disclaimer I can get back to sharing a few more details about the movie before wrapping it up.
In the end we see that finally justice is served but not before the crashes and a long police chase. In the end all the truth comes out and you can rejoice a bit. Of course I’m sure those familiar with the game pretty much knows how the whole thing goes.
Ladies I stand behind my claim of this being a great date night movie. We all could use a bit of alone time with our special someone. If you have a car lover take them out to see the movie and dinner after they’ll love it. There’s lots of eye candy for guys but ladies there’s lots of eye candy for us too. Meet the boys of Need For Speed. Don’t say I didn’t save the best for last. At least in my opinion. Yeah, you’re welcome ladies
Oh and check out this quick video of man candy. Yep enjoy ladies and head out to see even more when you go see the movie in theaters.
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Need for Speed is in theaters today – March 14th!