NCircle Entertainment ABC Monsters Giveaway
My two youngest kids love looking at alphabet songs on Youtube. I’d been looking for something different for them to watch so they get their alphabet fit. Thanks to NCircle Entertainment we have just that. Meet the ABC Monsters! They are big, hairy and not very scary. The ABC Monsters are on the loose and only Alice, Brian and Cherry Berry can catch them.
Twenty Six cuddly ABC Monsters live within the walls of Capital Castle. Each monster represents a letter of the alphabet, but should any of the monsters go missing for longer than a day, all the letters will be wiped clean from every book in Capital Town, so it’s very important to make sure that all the ABC Monsters are safely back in Alphabet Gardens before the sun goes down. However, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. The ABC Monsters are always curious and happy creatures so they tend to wander off from Alphabet Gardens and get lost in the process. In each adventure Alice and her good friends Brian and Cherry Berry, must search high and low for one of the missing monsters. Get set for a spellbinding series of magical adventures that engages preschool children’s imaginations, while making learning exciting and entertaining.
Enter to Win from NCircle Entertainment
Thanks to NCircle Entertainment for sponsoring this giveaway. One lucky reader will win the ABC Monsters DVD set. Enter via the tool below. Good Luck.
Welcome to the For the Win Giveaway Hop brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers!
Hosted By: Mama Smith’s & Women and Their Pretties
Each giveaway has a value of a minimum of $15, however some are worth much more. Be sure to enter to win all of them because there is no limit to how many you can win. GOOD LUCK!