When I saw the VR experience on our schedule for the #RalphBreakstheInternetEvent, I wasn’t sure what to expect. My experiences with VR involves one of those viewers you put your phone in and put over your eyes. It’s something that’s very basic, so in my mind, I pictured a bunch of bloggers in a room swatting at the air, and boy was I wrong!

We arrived at the studio and broke up in the groups, we rotated mini sessions until it was our groups turn to enter the Ralph Breaks VR experience. Once we entered the room we watched a short presentation about the experience. Next, we picked a character and walked over to the area to get suited up before entering the game.

Team members from The VOID helped us get prepared, by showing us how to put on the vest pack and our headgear. Make sure your helmet is strapped on tight and adjusted well so you don’t miss anything during the experience. Once you start, adjust the headset to make sure you can see everything around you. I had to pull mines down a bit once everything was loaded.

In teams of 4, participants break into the internet with Wreck-It Ralph and Vanellope von Schweetz disguised as characters from the film called “Netizens” to play the newest, coolest video game ever. Ralph Breaks VR introduces two brand new locations, Dunderdome
It was such an immersive experience. I really felt like I was inside the game. We were fully surrounded by the Ralph Breaks the Internet and the game we broke into on the internet. When I turned around I could see some of the members of my team as the characters they chose before we entered. Even when I raised my own hands it was the character. Nothing was left to chance, the folks at ILMxLAB and The VOID made sure they covered everything. Everywhere I turned I saw small details that helped make it feel more realistic and fun.

“It’s incredible to work on an experience like Ralph Breaks VR that lets you live inside a film you’ve spent years creating,” said Pamela Ribon, Co-Writer for Ralph Breaks the Internet and Writer for Ralph Breaks VR. “ILMxLAB and The VOID have built a world where Ralph and Vanellope really come alive around you.” Everyone who worked on this project was excited about showing it to us, and you could tell they were worked hard and considered everything to make it an unforgettable experience for participants.

This project marks another successful collaboration between ILMxLAB and The VOID, they also created a Star Wars experience that my friend Christine of Moms N’ Charge had the opportunity to participate in that experience and she loved it. She raged about it to us before we all had the chance to experience Ralph Breaks VR for ourselves and see just how awesome it really is.
About The VOID
The critically-acclaimed global leader in immersive virtual experiences, The VOID experience centers

ILMxLAB was launched by Lucasfilm in 2015 to embrace the next truly transformative opportunity in entertainment: immersive storytelling powered by real-time computer graphics. The award-winning team strives to transition from storytelling to

During the event we had a fun photo opportunity set up for us – the Pancake Milkshake Diner- while it was super exclusive just for us. You can see my fun photos below.

Pre-sale tickets are now available online at www.thevoid.com, the official launch date is November 21st! The same day Ralph Breaks the Internet opens in theaters.

In RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET, video-game bad guy Ralph (voice of John C. Reilly) and best friend Vanellope von Schweetz (voice of Sarah Silverman) leave the comforts of Litwak’s arcade in an attempt to save her game, Sugar Rush. Their quest takes them to the vast, uncharted world of the internet where they rely on the citizens of the internet—the Netizens—to help navigate their way. Lending a virtual hand are Yesss (voice of Taraji P. Henson), the head algorithm and the heart and soul of the trend-making site “BuzzzTube,” and Shank (voice of Gal Gadot), a tough-as-nails driver from a gritty online auto-racing game called Slaughter Race, a place Vanellope wholeheartedly embraces—so much so that Ralph worries he may lose the only friend he’s ever had. Directed by Rich Moore (“Zootopia,” “Wreck-It Ralph”) and Phil Johnston (co-writer “Wreck-It Ralph,” “Zootopia,” writer, “Cedar Rapids”), and produced by Clark Spencer (“Zootopia,” “Wreck-It Ralph,” “Bolt,” “Lilo & Stitch”), “Ralph Breaks the Internet” hits theaters on Nov. 21, 2018.
RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET arrives in theatres everywhere on November 21st!
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