Michael Rooker, Yondu, and Kentucky Blue People
Visiting a movie set while they’re still filming the movie is lots of fun, it’s also difficult to get people to talk about the movie since no one wants to give anything away. When we sat down with Michael Rooker in a back room off the lunch area on set, he was very tight lipped. He didn’t want to give anything away about the movie at all, actually he shared he was just there to entertain us. Oddly enough I think we all learned so much during our short time chatting with Rooker who plays Yondu in he Guardians of the Galaxy series.
He walked into the room and complimented us, calling us ‘purty’. He started to talk to us about the contact lenses he wears while filming the movie. He even brought the caps he uses to cover his real teeth for the movie. He puts on the set of teeth to show us how it looked and from there it became one of the most interesting interviews I’ve had, ever.
Once he showed us the teeth he wears for the film, and talked about how it affects his speech we asked about his makeup. He shared it takes about two hours from start to finish.
Half of this is makeup and half of this is just me. I’m like a blue man from Kentucky. You know they have real blue people in Kentucky. They’re called the Blue People of Kentucky.
We asked him about the fin that was added to his costume for this volume of the movie. It looked heavy.
A lot of people like the fin, and think it’s awesome. The fin’s not heavy. Not at all. Tt’s hollow. I thought they were, they were going to put practical lights and different things in it, but they decided not to. They just decided to keep it natural. It’s a fin growing out of my head. If they’re going to do anything they’ll do it in post-production.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2..L to R: Rocket (Voiced by Bradley Cooper), Groot (Voiced by Vin Diesel), and Yondu (Michael Rooker)..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2017
Next we asked about how the fin fit within the storyline of the new movie. He wouldn’t share anything about the plot of the film but did share a little.
Yes. Do you want to know the story is? I’m not sure if I can or not. I will share a bit because you saw my fin the last movie. It was a short little stubby thing. That worked for my ship. That’s what they told me anyway. So I fell for that. Anyway, this time around I get to have a little of both. I have the short fin and, and this fin here.
He switched up the converstation for a while asking about where we all hailed from before breifly touching on some of the guardians ending up with him in the new film.
Question: Have you teamed up with some of the Guardians of the Galaxy?
They’ve teamed up with me. Please. I’m the one that can whistle and take out a whole army, okay?
We asked how he felt about that shift when he read the script.
It’s a great script. Gunn wrote it and it’s a continuation of Yondu in the first script. He wrote that for me, so he just wrote more odd things that I get to do and stuff because he knows me and he knows I’m a wee bit odd, so he just plays on it and writes some silly things. It’s not, always silly, but it’s fun. It’s a lot of fun.
Rooker is hoping that movie goers heading to see the film enjoy how more in-dept story of Yondu and Quill.
You do see there’s some differences from the first one. You don’t get too in depth with the first one. We get to learn a bit more about Yondu and his relationship with Quill. You also get to experience some more cool stuff with Yondu for sure. Yeah. Definitely. I won’t tell you specifics because I don’t want you to know.
We followed up asking about how difficult it is for him to get into character. He quickly responded saying no, since he feels like Gunn writes in pieces of himself within the character.
Not too hard because it was really written for me, so he uses a lot of my ways and how I deal with things. The characters are very human-like you know. So we have our faults. We all think we are better than we really are, you know, I do.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2..L to R: Star-Lord/Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) and Yondu (Michael Rooker) ..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2017
With the events of the first movie and now changes in upcoming film, we asked how Yondu’s crew was handling eveything that was happening. We wanted to know what to look forward to and should we expect any revolts. While he didn’t want to give much away, he did share this…
My crew is a very violent and aggressive crew. And they’re always looking, I’ll just put it this, they always look for a weakness. They’re always trying to challenge me in the background and trying to figure out ways to be me or be the leader. There’s loyalty going on, but there’s also a lot of rivalry. Almost in everything and that’s the dynamics, that’s what is going on.
Nearing the end of the interview we asked Rooker what attracted him to the role, he joked it was the payday. Laughing he said ‘people like me more when I have money.’ We talked about him being able to whistle with the teeth he uses for his character and more about the Blue People of Kentucky. He aske us a few questions about our families before wrapping up the inteview when we asked which character was his favorite besides his own.
I like Rocket. Rocket’s got the attitude. He reminds me of James Gunn a lot.
Guardians of the Galaxy openes in theaters on May 5th, 2017.