How old were you when you got your first smart phone? Probably an adult, right? The scary thing is that because our children are growing up in a digital world, access to the internet almost seems like an essential part of every day life. And that necessity becomes even more apparent if all their friends have smart phones and they don’t…!
Having a smart device means that your child literally has access to the whole world. It’s exciting, can be educational and of course, fun. But it can also be dangerous, unsafe, damaging and also inherently worrying for parents. For more information on keeping your kids safe online, click this link. As parents, it’s our natural instinct to protect our little ones from danger, but in an online world full of potential dangers like grooming, bullying, explicit content and frightening images, keeping our children safe seems like an impossible task. However, there are ways you can gain back control. Getting up to date with your own personal knowledge of tech will certainly help you here, as well as talking openly with your children about potential dangers online. To give you a little more guidance I’ve found this helpful infographic from, check it out!