Keeping Your Kids Entertained on Car Journeys
For kids, taking a long trip in the car can seem like the worst thing in the world. Spending a couple of hours or so in the car with little to do except look out of the window is going to lead to fights and unhappiness. However, if you prepare, then you can find some wonderful things for them to do while you’re traveling.
What Can Your Car Offer?
Before you begin finding things for them to do, you should consider what it will be like inside the car. If you have a small car, it could be cramped and stuffy inside at the back, especially if you have luggage as well. Also, does it have additional power sockets in the back so that your kids can charge their devices? If your car is lacking these things, then you could consider renting a bigger car for the trip, or you can go to a local dealership like Mercedes-Benz Scotland to find cars with built-in entertainment and additional power sockets.

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Electronic Games
The one thing you kids might want to do is play on their phones or handheld gaming consoles. It is why having power sockets in the back is vital if you don’t want them to run out of battery half way along. You should also consider buying them a new game especially to play in the car. It will keep them interested a lot longer than a game they know already. It is important to remember, however, that they might both need the power at the same time, so buying an adapter could be a worthwhile investment.
Family Games
As well as playing by themselves, you should also encourage them to participate in some family games. They could be as simple as a card game or perhaps you could get a travel board game that you can all play. Try and think of a few of these that you can spread out across the journey. There are websites that can provide good ideas for family games that you can play in the car.
Movies are another popular way for your kids to spend their trips. However, your children might not want to watch the same movie, so you should be prepared for this. If they both have tablets, then they can put the movies they want to watch on their own tablets and bring along some headphones, so the other person can’t hear.
If your children are young, then they might love to have some activities to do to keep them occupied. Why not make up a sheet with some things to look out for along the way such as a blue car or a certain type of animal. They will have great fun finding them all, and it will keep them amused. You can also set up some coloring for them to do, you can create them yourself or take some from a book.
With some of these ideas in place, you should all have a happy and fun-filled trip in your car.