Yesterday my son lost his iPod and the manhunt I had to put on to find it lead me to write this post. I know if you have an Apple product you are probably saying why didn’t is just use the “Find my iPhone” app. I did but as you know when the battery is dead (which is always when my son decides to just drop his iPod where ever he feels) you can’t locate it in the app. So the manhunt was on. This leads me to one of my first titles. I am the resident detective in our house. If they lost it I can find it is my motto and I strive very hard to live up to it, even if it means I am stressed out and have a headache in the end. I find lost items for husbands and children of all ages. This is a skill I actually picked up while dating my husband and I perfected it with the kids.
My next title is resident nurse, that’s right. I must be able to detect sickness before it starts. For example I have to tell when a cold is coming on at least three days in advance if I have any chance of containing it to just one child and making sure hubby doesn’t get sick either. Oh yeah I am not allowed to be sick, even when I am sick I still have to show up for my jobs because there isn’t anyone else working here. When someone is sick in my house they all act like babies, yes even hubby acts like a baby when he gets sick so I try hard to make sure he isn’t under the weather. In the five years I have been a parent and resident nurse I have learned all the signs of major illness that requires a doctor’s visit or the ones I can treat at home on my own. With each child came a new challenge but I can say that once I know what needs to be done, I make sure its done.
I am also the resident chef, sometimes even a gourmet chef and the master baker as well. When I started dating my husband I had to build up my cooking skills. Even though I am not the best cook in the world I think I do okay. When we were dating I started a tradition called “New Dish Night”. I attempted to make a dish I have never made before and it helped me try to make different cuisine. This worked well until had children. Yes kids just don’t always eat like adults do. I am a picky eater as an adult so what else would I expect from my kids but for them to be picky as well. As the chef I find a good balance between healthy options for hubby and I and then something for the kids to enjoy that they don’t feel is yucky. I don’t believe in forcing my kids to eat something they don’t want, I remember it when I was a child and I didn’t like it so I don’t do it to them. Most nights we all eat the same thing but there are a few time when I plan a meal I know I have to cook separate for them. Usually they just have some baked chicken nuggets and fries.
Come back tomorrow when I share some more of my titles. Here’s a picture of me and my bunch.

My family
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