Guess What? I Am Working On An E-Book!
I’m so excited about this amazing opportunity that I am getting and working with The Motherhood and National Wildlife Foundation Be Out There Campaign. As a parent I know one of the biggest roadblocks to summer is finding fun activities for your children. We have all heard those infamous words “I’m Bored!” at times even the high-priced electronic gadgets are just not enough to keep the kids happy when the summer hits. We are always looking for something to do with them and keep them busy and us sane. Well The Motherhood is teaming up with a group of bloggers including myself to find some great ideas of activities to get your child outdoors this summer. I can’t wait to share my ideas, my theme for the book is… Outdoor Time in Everyday Life.
Do you have any ideas for adding outdoor time in your everyday life? I would love to hear them please share your thoughts below in the comments you never know I may just use it in the book So be on the lookout for the book that is due out later this summer. Remember to share your ideas on outdoor time in everyday life.