I was in bed two nights ago and I thought about my blog. In February I thought that I would do this daily and be able to share with everyone and at the same time do what I think God was calling me to do. Well, that never happened as you can clearly see.
So much has happened since then. Boy has the devil been busy, first depression, a recession that is making it harder for the family, car trouble, Trey had to have minor surgery and the list just goes on and on.
So needless to say, God is calling on me again. This time I do want to heed his call and truly do this thing with all my heart and soul. I don’t know where it will take me and what I am going to say and do or reveal in this blog but I pray that he guides me and uses me to do some work for him.
And I am ready for that devil too. I am working on being a prayer warrior so that no matter what he throws my way I will just put it in the hands of God, and have all the faith that he will do what he has to do to fix it. So here I got again trying to do what I can for God.
Please and blessings,
The submissive wife.