Getting Chatty with Chris Evans
When the confirmed talent for the #CaptainAmericaEvent arrived I have to admit that Chris Evans wasn’t the person I was most excited about seeing. Fast forward to press day and imagine we’re finishing up our interview with Paul Bettany, and hear a voice in the hallway walking into the room. We all stopped to look because no one should have been entering just yet and in walks Chris Evans. He’s haggling Paul about a photo from a shoot they did for BuzzFeed, and just like that he had won me over. Honestly I think he won the whole room over then.

Paul and Chris Embrace during Captain America Press Day. (Coralie S./LoveBugs and Postcards)
You instantly knew in that moment when the two embraced that these actors are close, and almost like family. They both immediately changed the dynamic in the room, having us laughing for most of Chris’ interview with the group.
The pair seemed so playful when Chris entered the room, one of the first things asked was about the mood on set since it seems like they have a lot of fun.
You know, everyone wants there to be pranks and it’s not so much pranks as it’s just a camaraderie. I think we’re all- when you’re on set, you’re a little tired, to be honest. Like the truth is you really are there to work. Certain movies I’ve done, you know, comedies where everyone is a little more loose. On these movies there are people who are really there to work and so you don’t want to diminish their experience or disrespect their process. So for the most part on set, you’re not, not tame, but we, we still have fun, you know, days when it’s just me and Paul, we’re giggling a lot more. There are certain actors who really are austere in their approach and you really want to respect that. Um, off set is where the real disaster happens. – Chris Evans
While we laughed and joked for a huge part of the interview with Chris, he addressed something very serious, and near and dear to my heart. We asked how he felt about the ANTI-LBGT Bill that was being discussed in Georgia since Marvel films a lot of movies there and Disney announced they would pull out all business relations from the state if said bill was passed.
It was great. I really I thought that was great. I didn’t even know, but my younger brother is gay and he was the one sending me these text messages being like good for Disney and it was just a nice thing to read about. And say you know what, I mean Disney spends huge- huge money in Georgia and I just think it’s a really- I’m proud of them. I was so proud of Disney for standing up to that. Making a statement and saying listen, this is what we feel, this is what we believe in, look it’s a hate bill that they were trying to pass, it’s one of those gray areas where you talk to these people, and they’re like well we’re allowed to think what we want. I was proud to be a part of the Disney family during that. – Chris Evans
By this time in the interview I was already sold on Chris Evans, but hearing him make such a profound statement about an issue that at this minute continues to divide us, really made me an even bigger fan. He wasn’t afraid to take a stand and say that it was wrong. Although I’m still #TeamIronMan, it was good to know that I could stand with #TeamCap on this issue.

Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War..Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans)..Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal..© Marvel 2016
I’ve read articles about Chris Evans and his role as Captain America, everyone always wants to know what it feels like for him. We asked and he shared his growth with the suit.
I feel good now, I didn’t in the beginning, in the beginning it was terrifying. Don’t all our brains just manage to go to the most negative thing possible, whenever there’s something in front of us, you just focus on what the worst possible outcome could be. So when I began the movie, it was just like all the things that could go wrong and how this could be a mistake. And over the course of, you know, five or six movies now, it feels great. It really does, you know, the Russo Brothers and Marvel and everyone has made it such a wonderful environment.
Now it’s like a point of pride, you know, when you see the suit, you’re excited to get the suit on and you’re very honored and humbled that you get to have some sort of a connection to it, because it is bigger than you, you know what I mean. Captain America will live on, there will be other Captain Americas, there will. It will live on a lot longer than I will. So it’s just nice to kind of have a little place in its lineage. – Chris Evans
When you’re sitting with Captain America you must ask him about his favorite super hero. I think the whole room was very surprised by his response because we never even once considered Care Bears being apart of the conversation.
Oh I didn’t have one. I had an older sister and I think anyone who has siblings would understand. It’s funny that’s why I want when I have kids, I’d love for my oldest child to be a girl, because I think it softens up the boy. We had a girl, me, and my younger brother, and we knew, whatever Carly wanted to do, we did. So we knew My Little Pony and Care Bear that was it. Just being in Carly’s room was a big deal.
Comic books were not on my radar. I liked Star Wars, which was maybe the coolest thing about me, but that was my dad being like please, please like Han Solo and I was like, but Tender Heart Bear it’s not untrue, it’s really sad. – Chris Evans
We wanted to know what was the hardest scenes for him to shoot in this movie, and he used it as a change to flex his muscle a little bit. There’s a helicoptor scene in the movie that looked very difficult and we wanted to know how much of it was real and how much of it was fake.
Like my arm to this day is not the same. Because it’s a fake helicopter obviously, and we did the first couple things and, you’re holding and faking. Then they were like let’s drift the helicopter, it’s on a rig, so you can actually move it. But then they did move it and it required, you actually have to hold on. I did something, not that I’m trying to get any sympathy out of you. But I really did bang something up. It was a trick scene, but those scenes are good scenes.
Captain America: Civil War..L to R: Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) and Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) ..Ph: Zade Rosenthal ..©Marvel 2016
I think it’s harder, to me, harder doing scenes with Downey, because he’s such a, he’s such a force, you know what I mean. He’s so good and he owns the oxygen, and he comes in the room and he’s powerful and, you know, the movie is the, the spine of the film is that conflict. – Chris Evans

Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) Photo Credit: Film Frame© Marvel 2016
Having seen the film I have to admit this is definitely the best Captain America movie to date, and probably one of the best in the whole MCU right now. There is so much more action, such an amazing story line and you can tell the directors really wanted to give us a story we would enjoy. We asked about this movie being a bit darker than other Captain America films.
It was nice, because I think for the most part with, with Cap, the trickiest thing about the character is that he’s just a selfless guy, he’s not one of these brooding characters where you can kind of as an audience member connect to his conflict and struggle. He’s very selfless, and I think to some degree it can feel vanilla, you know, I think it can feel boring. His goal has always been doing what other people need. And I think in this movie it’s the first time he kind of did what he wants and that’s, a little bit of a departure for him.

Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War..Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen)..Photo Credit: Film Frame..© Marvel 2016
There were so many great parts of this interview, with Chris but I had to share his thoughts on who he felt would be a difficult match for Captain America. One thing I love about Marvel movies are the strong female characters and this movie doesn’t disappoint.
Scarlet Witch would be trouble, wouldn’t she. You know what I mean. She messes stuff up. She would be a problem. You know what, we’re lucky we have her, because without her, when you look at #TeamIronMan, just even having the Vision. Even though we all know Paul Bettany, he’s still dangerous on the battlefield. And Vision is so powerful. And we’d be in trouble without Scarlet Witch, we really would.
Captain America: Civil War opens in theaters on May 6th, be sure to grab your tickets now for opening weekend so you don’t miss out on all the action.
About Captain America: Civil War
Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” finds Steve Rogers leading the newly formed team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. But after another incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability, headed by a governing body to oversee and direct the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers, resulting in twocamps—one led by Steve Rogers and his desire for the Avengers to remain free to defend humanity without government interference, and the other following Tony Stark’s surprising decision to support government oversight and accountability. Get ready to pick a side and join the nonstop action playing out on two fronts when Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” opens in U.S. theaters on May 6, 2016.
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Disclosure: I attended an all expenses paid press trip with Disney/Marvel, any opinions expressed are my own. Photos used in this post were provided by Disney and Coralie S. of LoveBugs and Postcards.