Emily VanCamp Opens Up About Civil War
Civil War opens in theaters on Friday and if you haven’t watched all the old movies to be prepared for this movie. Part of our homework for the #CaptainAmericaEvent was to watch Winter Soldier, where Emily VanCamp made her debut at Sharon Carter/Agent 13. Emily was the first person we interviewed at the press event and she opened up about her role expanding in this movie, training for the movie, and the kiss.
One of the first things we asked Emily was about her training for the movie. She quickly responded by letting us know it was a lot of working out.
It’s just a lot of working out really. I mean I had already sort of done some training for Revenge so it was like an easier segue into the films but, you wanna go into these movies feeling really strong and feeling fit and I wanna be able to keep up really. We were wrapping Revenge while I started training for the movie which is very interesting and I kind of realized how much I should have done that for Revenge. I mean I was fit doing Revenge but I was like oh, this is another level. I’m just not really good going into it and, you know, it’s fun. I love that stuff. I was a dancer so all that physical activity’s great and sort of helps with the sequences and stuff ‘cause ultimately it’s choreography. I hope to get to do more of it.

Photo Credit: LoveBugs and Postcards
I can’t imagine working on a movie being easy at all. That’s why we wanted to know if there were any scenes that were difficult for Emily to shoot.
I wouldn’t say difficult. I think in these movies you just don’t wanna screw it up, you know, what I mean? Like everyone’s bringing their A game. I was saying earlier it’s very rare that you go into a movie almost already knowing it’s going to be great and successful because historically they’ve been so successful. So you wanna bring your A game and you wanna show up and I was in Winter’s Soldier but not very much so it’s always a little intimidating. There’s that nervous factor before you go into it but everyone’s so kind and generous and the Russo Brothers have always made me feel so comfortable. So I wouldn’t say difficult I just think — you just wanna do the best job you can.

Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War..L to R: Agent 13/Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp) and Everett K. Ross (Martin Freeman)..Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal..© Marvel 2016
Since Agent 13 was getting a slightly bigger role in Civil War we asked Emily, how she felt about portraying the character.
It’s really cool. I mean being a part of this universe is really a special thing especially with the movies that they’re making and how good they are, it’s, it’s really, really cool. I’m really happy to do it with the people I’m doing it with because as I said everyone’s great and super talented. These movies could have been very sort of surface level but what I love about Marvel is how they delve into the characters. They sort of give us the freedom as well to create a version of the character that hopefully the fans will like and it’s a really fun process. So the fact that people love the movies is like an extra bonus.
Thanks to Funko all the ladies on the trip received an Agent 13 Funko Pop figure and we talked to Emily about how having an action figure made after her made her feel.
I never actually saw it out of the box. It’s hilarious. I think she’s pretty cool. I mean that’s awesome. I mean I gotta get one for my mom or something. That’s really cool.

Photo Credit: LoveBugs and Postcards
Actors sometimes brings pieces of themselves to their characters, we wanted to know what parts of herself does she see in Sharon Carter.
What I love about Sharon is her moral compass. I think she has a really strong moral compass and I think that’s what her and Steve initially sort of identify with each other and ultimately in the comic books, you know that it led to a very complicated relationship but there’s gotta be something that sort of brings them together as well as their love of Peggy. I think there’s an initial trust there, that maybe he doesn’t have with anyone else and maybe she doesn’t have with anyone else.
So I really enjoyed that but I mean in terms of what I identify with I mean I love a girl with a strong moral compass and a lot of integrity and I think she really has that and I think you see her struggle with that within this film because she’s battling her work and her loyalty to her work. The cats rebel against that and she’s sort of like is she gonna follow her head and her heart and we ultimately see what she does but I think people can relate to that struggle.

Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War..Agent 13/Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp)..Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal..© Marvel 2016
We asked Emily about her favorite superhero growing up as a kid and we were all surprised by her answer.
It’s really interesting. Someone else asked me that recently and I was trying to think of like a superhero that I looked up to and I mean I was obsessed with the Ninja Turtles, I’m not gonna lie. I was one like four years in a row for Halloween ( I think I was like Donatello one year and then like Michelangelo like three years ‘cause I love pizza). I was trying to figure out do they count as superheroes, I don’t know but those are like — I mean that was my thing, and probably inspired some of these characters I really like to play, I don’t know.

Photo Credit: LoveBugs and Postcards
Marvel has a history of having strong female characters that can be role models for our girls. We asked Emily how she felt about Agent 13 being a role model.
In these movies I think especially in like anything you do I always hate it when I hear actors or musicians or people in the public eye say that they have no obligation to be any sort of role model because I mean it’s not like you have an obligation but you have a choice and why would you not choose to empower young women. and, Use yourself as a vehicle when you have a voice to kind of inspire that. I don’t see why you wouldn’t. I mean that’s not to say I’m always gonna play this kind of character.
It’s amazing to play a kickass girl like Sharon or a really tortured version of a woman when I played Emily Thorn or I just did a film called the Girl in the Book which is much more sort of rooted in reality and much more real. But I also think she in her own way is strong and on her own adventures so it’s just I tend to pick characters that have certain elements to it. But I guess in terms of being a role model, it’s not a responsibility but it’s something that I feel connected to. I have three sisters. I have wonderful women in my life and I just wanna see girls have the best opportunities they possibly can and if I can inspire that in the tiniest way I don’t see why I wouldn’t.

Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War..L to R: Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) and Agent 13/Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp)..Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal..© Marvel 2016
I mentioned a kiss early in my post and I wanted to end with that kiss from the movie that literally left me speechless and I hate to spoil it for anyone but rumors have been spreading about Cap’s new love interest in this movie and comic book fans already know about the story life. Here’s what Emily had to say about it.
I didn’t even think I was allowed to talk about the kiss but I’m realizing everyone’s seen it so I guess I can talk about it. Yeah, I mean it’s kind of refreshing to see Captain in a more intimate situation and like I said they have chemistry. It was there even in The Winter Soldier I would say so it’s kind of nice to see it finally happen I would say.
Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” finds Steve Rogers leading the newly formed team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. But after another incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability, headed by a governing body to oversee and direct the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers, resulting in two camps—one led by Steve Rogers and his desire for the Avengers to remain free to defend humanity without government interference, and the other following Tony Stark’s surprising decision to support government oversight and accountability. Get ready to pick a side and join the nonstop action playing out on two fronts when Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” opens in U.S. theaters on May 6, 2016.
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Disclosure: I attended an all expenses paid press trip with Disney/Marvel, any opinions expressed are my own. Photos used in this post were provided by Disney and Coralie S. of LoveBugs and Postcards.