Yes, I’m already talking about Halloween and we are just heading back to school here in Maryland. Holidays are my favorite time of the year. I love finding a reason to celebrate and spend time with family and friends. Christmas is my favorite time of the year but I do like a good Halloween celebration as well. I like taking the kids out trick or treating or having a fun gathering at the house.
This year we’re planning a Halloween celebration at the house and I’m planing lots of fun activities for the kids and the even a creative craft idea for the moms that come over with their kids. I’ve been making jewelry lately as a way to relax and when I noticed some cute charms in my stash I knew a Halloween bracelet was a perfect choice.

Creating your own jewelry for different occasions can be fairly easy and fun. I love checking my favorite bead site for deals and specials every week. When I first started I got a ton of great beads at a great price. They usually have different specials each week and I was able to grab some fall and Halloween themed beads.

Halloween colors are pretty easy to find and if you aren’t a fan of online shopping like me, you can always visit a craft store in the area to find the beads you want to use. Most of the black beads I used I found in craft stores. I used a mixture of glass crackle beads, orange abstract beads, orange crystal beads, different black beads, and charms.
Materials List
- Orange Crackle Beads – 12MM
- Matte Black Glass Beads – 12MM
- Black Spray Crackle Beads – 10MM
- Matte Black Rondelle Beads
- Halloween Spray Glass Beads – 6MM
- Orange Crackle Beads – 8MM
- Orange Abstract Glass Beads – 10MM
- Black Textured Glass Beads – 12MM
- Silver Halloween Charms
- Stretch Cord – 1MM
- Jewelry Glue
There are lots of different ways to string your bracelet. You don’t have to buy materials or tools to get it done. Just get the 1MM size stretch cord. It’s sturdy and very durable. You can string the beads directly onto the cord.
Measure out about 11 inches of stretch cord to make a bracelet of about 7.5 inches. The extra is to making a knot at the end to slip into one of the beads. Knot a bead onto the end so the beads don’t fall off as you string them onto your stretch cord.

Choose your own design for the bracelet. You can add all the same colors in the same pattern or mix it up for any type of design you choose. Have fun and let your creativity show. You can wear these leading up to Halloween and on Halloween night, and even after if you want. It’s really up to you.
To make the design more kid-friendly and cost-effective you can get plastic or acrylic beads for kids. Dollar Tree and most craft stores sell pony beads in bulk at a great price. It’s a fun classroom craft for Halloween, great party activity, or even a fun and nifty gift to pass on to the kids that come knocking at the door. Regardless of what you choose, just have fun and be sure to share what you create with someone else.
Happy Beading and a very early Happy Halloween.