Dixon Ticonderoga Sweepstakes – Day 11
It’s the second to last day of the Dixon Ticonderoga sweepstakes and today the prizes are even better than yesterday. Have you gone over and entered to win yet? Think about all the school supplies you’ll have for the next school year, and if you don’t need them donate them to your child’s classroom, teachers always need supplies. Check out what’s up for grabs today…
eleven Noir pencils, ten colored pencils, nine washable watercolors, eight large crayons, seven packs of markers, six smartest pencils, five gold and silver markers, four color wands, Tri-Conderoga pencils, two pounds of clay, and a two-foot pencil for free. ♫♫
Product Description:
One (1) lucky winner will receive one (1) two-foot Ticonderoga No. 2 pencil replica, two (2) packs of DAS air-hardening modeling clay, three (3) packs of Tri-Conderoga pencils, four (4) packs of Prang Color Wands, five (5) packs of Prang Gold and Silver Metallic Markers, six (6) packs Sensematic Plus pencils, seven (7) 12 count Prang Classic Art Marker packs, eight (8) packs of Prang Large Crayons, nine (9) packs of Prang watercolors, ten (10) Prang colored pencils and eleven (11) packs of Ticonderoga Noir pencils.
* Click here http://bit.ly/Uf0sDK to enter to WIN the 12 Days of Christmas Sweepstakes.