I’ve been watching The Flash on The CW Network since the first season. I have to admit I have a love/hate relationship with the show. I’m not a comic book reader so my knowledge of the character is strictly based on the show and from that knowledge I don’t like that Barry Allen seems to love getting into sticky situations that end up with his life always on the life. Season Five was no different and this time his daughter with Iris from the future was there to help and she created a world of problems with her arrival. If you’re a fan of the show you’ve probably already seen all the episodes, but if you’re like me one viewing is just not enough and you want to see them again.

Just in time for the sixth season premiere of the highest-rated series on The CW, you will be bolting into stores to pick up The Flash: The Complete Fifth Season. Fans will be able to speed-watch all 22 electrifying episodes from the fifth season, plus the show’s 2018 Comic-Con Panel, three featurettes, deleted scenes, a gag reel and more! All three DC Crossover: Elseworlds episodes will be available only for fans who purchase the Blu-ray set.
About The Flash Season 5:
Shortly after defeating The Thinker, Barry Allen/The Flash and his wife, Iris, were stunned by the arrival of their already grown, speedster daughter from the future, Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy). However, acclimating to their lives as parents won’t be the only challenge they face, as Season Five pits Team Flash against Central City’s latest scourge – the DC Super-Villain Cicada (Chris Klein).
I have to say that all the DC Comics series that The CW has taken on I have loved. I’m a huge fan of The Flash and Black Lightning. I have also seen most episodes of Supergirl, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow. They are all done so well, but The Flash is probably my all-time favorite. I’ve been cheering for Barry and Iris to have a happily ever after season after season but it’s clear that once I settled into season five episodes that it just may not happen that way.

Season Five was filled with the same action and plot twists as every other season of The Flash, they even had a big crossover event that brought in some of the other CW shows into the mix. It’s always great when we see the universe cross over and join up to help fight together.
This season gave us a lot of information about the possible fate of Barry Allen but in the finale, we see that Nora appearing in this timeline has made a major change to history and we could be in for some heartache in the sixth season. Now is the perfect time to pick up your copy of Season Five of The Flash to prepare for the upcoming season in October. You can pick up your copy online or in stores.