Colder weather is coming, and before it does, you’ll want to plan fun things for you and the kids to do on those dreary days. While snow brings with it the opportunity for snowmen, forts, sledding, and snowball fights, those rainy, slushy days in between bring nothing but cold and wet outdoors. By planning ahead, you can help you and your family enjoy time indoors, instead of going stir crazy. Here are some of the best indoor activities to help.

Board Games
Whether you’re stuck inside with all adults, or there are some kids in the mix, board games are a great way to pass the time when you can’t go outside. Get some old-school favorites like Monopoly or Yahtzee or try something new like Apples to Apples or Exploding Kittens. You’ll enjoy a fun time with the people you love. You may even learn something new about them. If you’re up for a long game, plan a day to play Risk and see who conquers the world.
Scavenger Hunt
Kids love to look for clues and find fun things. Send them on a scavenger hunt throughout your home to keep them busy and entertained. You’d be amazed at how they can follow instructions if they know they will find something fun at each spot. Reward them with a small toy, a treat, or another fun activity.
Learn Something New
Being stuck indoors is a great opportunity to learn something new. Hop online and try an e-course through Udemy or LinkedIn Learning. It doesn’t need to be related to your career, but simply try something you’re interested in and would enjoy. Learning new things gives people a sense of accomplishment especially if it’s something you’ve always wanted to learn. It helps your brain form new connections and it can help you pass the time on cold, yucky days.

Get Creative
Pull out your art supplies and make something. Get on Pinterest for inspiration to find some fun holiday and winter art supplies for you and your kids. You can even get a kids box to pull out when the days get long. With subscription boxes for nearly everything, they are a cool way to pass the time and a fun surprise for the children in your home. The good news is that there are also adult boxes you can save for those crummy days as well. Order a wine subscription and art or hobby box.
Read Books
If you’ve ever been to school, reading can feel like a chore. You may not ever want to read another book again, but you’re missing out. The good news is that as an adult you’re free to read about anything you want. Explore amazing stories that tickle your imagination. Get enraptured in a juicy novel. You can get cozy under a warm blanket with a hot cup of coffee or tea and pass your time reading the newest page-turner. Give kids time to read a chapter book of their choice on snowy and rainy days. They might even discover that they love to read.
Bake Something Delicious
Pull out your grandmother’s recipes or hop online to find a recipe and bake something new. You can share your goodies with friends and neighbors if you don’t want all of it in your house. You can bake solo or teach your kids how to make tasty treats. Baking warms your home and your heart and can make for some fun memories when you look back years later.

Kids Blanket Forts
Pull out your extra blankets and let your kids make blanket forts. It’s a fun activity that can entertain for hours. Kids love to make a hiding place to play with toys, games, and read their books. Add in some pillows and a movie and you have the perfect rainy or snowy day activity. Blanket forts are free and fun for everyone.
Catch up On Your Favorite Shows
The nice thing about rainy and snowy days is that it can force you to slow down and relax. When you’re stuck at home in the snow especially, it’s the perfect time to catch up on your favorite shows. Binge watch on Netflix or scroll through your DVR recordings.