Whilst being a stay at home parent, you’ve probably heard about some friends who make extra money through side hustles. This sounds interesting and you wish to pursue it. Maybe it’ll offer more independence from your partner’s income to build up enough to eclipse what you currently make from a part-time job? Whatever your motivation, it’s worth trying it out for yourself.
In this article, we’ll explore what side hustle might be best, how to juggle everything, and how to manage the finances too.
What Kind of Side Hustle Suits You?
There are many side hustles worth considering. The best ones relate to a skillset that you already possess and/or an interest that you’ve got already.
For instance, if you’re interested in beauty products and wish to publish a blog and a YouTube channel, this can build an audience with the money flowing in when you put time into it every day and are patient for results.
Another idea is writing. This could be freelance writing or writing fiction to sell on Amazon using their Kindle e-book platform. There’s also the chance to be self-published through physical books too.
There are scores of side hustle possibilities. Take a look at these 13 flexible ideas to see if any of them will suit your lifestyle.
How Can You Handle the Kids as Well?
Create a plan for how you will be productive at home with the kids. If you’ve got a three-year-old, for example, you will need to factor in some time around their routine where you can focus on the business. For a school-age child, then the part-time job might take up part of the day, but there will still be pockets of time to use.
It depends what time you have available and when as to what side hustles may be suitable. It will be necessary to put extra time in when the kids are sleeping or at school. Let the increased income be your motivation to push forward.
Managing Finances Before Income Increases
While you may want to move away from the part-time job to work for yourself through a flourishing side hustle, hold on there…
Building up side hustles takes time to create one or more revenue streams unless you are using an existing platform like UberEats or Deliveroo to generate money outside of your part-time job. You’ll need to decide how urgently you need money to get you through the start-up initial period and whether a compromise is required.
Another approach is to seek one of the loans bad credit approved by LoanPig who offer this type of lending for up to 12 months. This could allow you to focus more on creating new income streams where you own the business and are not just working for someone else in a different capacity.
Remembering to Breathe…
Taking risks and making changes in your life is stressful.Remember to breathe through it to keep your nerves calmer. This helps you to think clearly and make the right decision for your life.
Ultimately, you won’t know if a side hustle and a life change will work out unless you take the leap by giving it a go. There’s no substitute for acting in life, and this is really no different to that. Results come when you start something new.