Apologia Planner For Homeschool Moms – Organize All Areas of Your Life
Disclosure: I am a member of Homeschool Mosaic Review Team, I was provided the products before for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own.
As a mother of three my life is pretty much always busy. In the blink of an eye I can look up and the whole day has gone by without me getting anything done at all. Now that I am adding my blog to the list of things I need to organize my life and I needed to find something to handle all areas of my life. Being on the Homeschool Mosaic Review Team a golden nugget dropped in my lap and has been a huge help in getting areas of my life organized. Are you a homeschool mom? Do you need to organize all areas of your life? Then continue to read about the Ultimate Homeschool Planner from Apologia for homeschooling moms. This planner will help you organize all areas of your life.
I have to say that I absolutely adore this planner. First thing I noticed that it’s not a cheaply made up planner. The exterior is a soft flexi plastic and the rings are also plastic, making the planner durable and strong so the pages aren’t easily removed or the ring won’t move through the pages like the metal ones in cheaper planners. There are also little pockets to store a few pages of information in there as well. This planner also features a very helpful user guide for homeschooling parents. It shows some of the key features of the planner and how you can use it in your homeschooling routine. The best part of the planner for me is that it’s undated. Yes I know score. That means that no matter when you pick up this planner you will be able to get a full year’s use out of it. Really you could get even more if you don’t date the planner on weeks you are not using it.
This planner features a yearly planning grid for plugging in major events and important dates so it’s there at a glance. The monthly planner pages can be used for birthday reminders, anniversaries, events, trips, special dates or anything that doesn’t need to be repeated daily. the weekly planner allows you to plan your week day by day. There are six huge rows to fill with anything you could need space for. I usually put my Saturday and Sunday both on the same row. On the weekly planner you have enough columns and rows to set your schedule for the entire day with any activities you need not just thing related to homeschooling. On the weekly pages there are also spaces to write in lists of things like supplies and appointments so you can remind your self. There are also encouraging scripture, quotes and prayers for parents through-out the planner.
After each weekly section is a place for writing out a Bible Plan, Battle Plan, Prayers, Hospitality/Outreach and The Week’s Memorable Moments plus an Evidence of Grace section. I really like this section with helping me organize the spiritual aspects of my life. The Memorable Moments section could be used to record things you just want to just down to review later. Say you finished a project or made some progress on something, something funny happened with you or one of the kids, just jot it down in this section.
I know I’ve shared a lot of great features so far in this planner and this is still some more to talk about. In the back of the planner has a section to record grades for your students, it’s easy to input the student name, classes, scores and total for grades for the entire school year. There is a section to record reading lists so you can keep track of what your children are reading. You can also record activities you participated in during the year, like field trips and outings. Debra Bell the creator of this amazing planner and a homeschooling mother for over fifteen plus years, also included tips for homeschooling and a sample high school planning guide. You can absolutely tell that this product was created to give homeschooling parents the maximum benefits and provide them with tools for a successful year.
I will note that I am not a homeschooling mother but this planner helped me organize all areas of my life and it can also help you with yours. I write everything down that I want to get done and simply check things off my lists and I even learned some great teachable tips that I am using with my children for helping them with homework and gearing up for summer break when I’ll have to make sure I am teaching them to improve reading, writing and grammar for the new school year. This planner is a must for anyone who wants to become more organized in their life. It costs $28.00 and you can purchase it from the Apologia website. I also had the opportunity to review the Ultimate Daily Planner for Students from Debra Bell and it too is an amazing planner.
My children are all five and under so they were not really ready for a planner but I was able to spend some time exploring this planner and I have to say it’s a very nice planner. It’s durable and strong, built to last and withstand wear and tear from kids. It’s nice and portable it fits great in book bags or any where you children would want to keep it. It’s a planner that would work for children in homeschool, public and private school. It’s gender neutral, or at least it appears that way to me. The first section in the planner is an “About Me” section. Perfect for kids to get started with writing about themselves and their goals for the year. The Study Smart toolkit is also in the first few pages so it’s easy for use. I think this would work for older kids/tweens.
After the toolkit it’s the monthly planner and then the weekly planner for assignments and anything else you children may want to write down. This is a great way to get students in the habit of planning and remembering tasks. They can easily review the week and make sure they have completed all their tasks and assignments. It’s also great for writing down chores This planner is also undated so you student can start with it at any time and get the full use out of it. There’s lots of space for writing and keeping notes. The pages of the planner also features scripture at the top and great Q&A about presidents and VPs. Questions like – “Which president never married?” I didn’t even know the answer to that. LOL (It’s James Buchanan). How neat is that?
The back has an activity log and lots of other educational information. There’s also a section of a U.S. History timeline, a world map, multiplication chart, conversion chart, state capitals and lots more. I got lost in that section alone for hours just soaking up so much information. It even helped me and hubby quiz each other on topics we were unsure about. There are two sheets of stickers for kids to use in the planners for things like holidays, birthdays, sports, tests, urgent stickers and lots of other kinds. I plan on gifting this planner to my nephew for when he starts high school next year. It is way better than the ones the school pass out and I love the scriptures to give him guidance and inspiration during the week. If you’re interested in picking up an Ultimate Day Planner for Students it costs $19.00 on the Apologia website. Also don’t forget to check out Debra Bell’s website if you are a homeschooling parent or you are looking to start homeschooling your children.
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