Snowed in and unable to go any where. All flights were cancelled and tons of people were stuck at the airport including me.
Holiday travel can sometimes be a drag. Especially when you live in a state that has lots of snow like I do. You have to worry about flight delays and cancellations. If you have ever flown before I am sure you have a story about your travels. I know I have quite a few stories of traveling via airplane. I remember traveling to Vegas for a conference and when we were coming home we bored the flight the plane started down the runway and then all of a sudden we stopped and was just sitting. Soon we were back at the gate and the captain was announcing on the speakers system there was a sand storm and we couldn’t take off. What made it even worst we couldn’t get off the plane. We were stuck there for over an hour on the plane hot, sweaty and hungry. It was the worst experience ever. To make matters worst by the time we got to Denver for our connecting flight it was long gone and all the food places were already closed. We had to wait another five hours in the airport before we got on a flight home.
Check out this great “movie” called “Connecting Flights” that’s about finding love in the airport. The best part is that the two people in the clip are bloggers. I know all my fellow bloggers should check it out. What kinds of stories do you have of holiday travel? Have you been snowed in and unable to make a flight? Has your flights ever been cancelled? Did you have to end up on stand by? Share you travel stories, I would love to hear them. Check out the video clip below.
Great video, right! I hope you enjoyed the little movie. Remember to visit Sears for all your holiday needs this year. Also if you haven’t already sign up for the Shop Your Way Rewards for ways to earn lots of rewards and exclusive offers and coupons. Oh and be sure to share some holiday humor with your family and friends using the sharing buttons and include the hashtag #connectingflights.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, I am a Sears blogger, though all opinions are my own.