Whether feathered, furred, scaled, or shelled, pet care takes time, energy, and, more often than not, a significant investment. Despite these challenges, pet ownership can be an extremely fulfilling endeavor. Caring for an animal teaches responsibility, provides a unique sense of companionship, and can even be therapeutic.
When done correctly, the rewards pet ownership brings to the table can far outweigh the challenges. With these five tips, you’ll have the tools you’ll need to figure out if owning a pet is right for you.

1. Research
This is, without a doubt, the most important step. Many animals have specific care requirements, and it will be your responsibility to provide this for them. For pets that require an enclosure, such as a small mammal or reptile, it’s essential to know the minimum size requirements as well as amenities you can provide to enrich your pet’s life.
Conversely, if you are looking into something like a cat or dog, it’s important to make sure your home is spacious enough and safe for said animal to roam around.

2. Budget
Pet care can be expensive and somewhat time-consuming. Before committing to caring for another creature, it is always important to make sure you have the means to do so. Pets require food, water, and general maintenance to ensure a long and happy life. Additionally, you will want to take your pets to the vet regularly to ensure that they are in the best of health.
With a vet app like AskVet, this can be achieved in an affordable and hassle-free way. It’s like having pet insurance and a healthcare provider wrapped into one convenient and accessible application. You can get personalized guidance and wellness coaching for your pet, along with a Rainy Day Fund, which can help you cover emergency pet care costs. You can even speak with a live, professional veterinarian 24/7 without having to leave your home. This can mean less stress for you and your pet.

3. Planning
It’s generally a bad idea to get things on impulse. It’s especially true when this “thing” is alive. Often, it is crucial to be prepared before you bring your pet home. Pet-proofing is essential. Ensure anything toxic is well out of reach, and any cabinets or rooms you don’t want them getting into are secured.
If you have any special equipment such as heaters or filtration systems, you should have those up and running to make sure they are in perfect working condition beforehand. Lastly, if your new pet has a special diet, it is vital to make sure you can obtain this food from a reliable source. Having these in place will ensure the longevity of your pet and give you far less stress in the long run.

4. Sourcing
Once you’ve picked an animal you’d like to take home and have set up your home for its arrival, now would be the best time to look into who you’ll be getting this pet from. It’s generally a good idea to get your pet from a rescue or pet adoption center – they’re just as good as the one you’d get from a store or a breeder and need a good home.
No matter where you choose to get your pet, it’s essential to make sure your source is reputable in animal care. The last thing you want, especially as a new pet owner, is to have a pet that is not well or regularly shows signs of stress and anxiety. Without the proper experience to care for such a creature, the situation is more likely to end in heartbreak.

5. Enjoy!
Owning a pet can be a lot of work, but if you’ve done your research and preparation, you’re in for several years to even decades of a rewarding companionship. Your pet should bring you happiness, so revel in it!